Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I eat when I'm stressed and now there's an earthquake to stress about.

The way to shoot a diet down in flames is to have AustraliaPost deliver a cupcake to the door at 8.30 in the morning. It was from the Vintage Garden and Cupcake Cafe in Buninyong and it was just the best breakfast and worst diet thing ever. Thank you

Just to make sure I didn't do a diet right meal all day I finally made it to San Sebastian and their fabulous vanilla slice delight in Hampton. This is not just a vanilla slice, it's a meal but the chairs are a snug fit for a large bum. It's also expensive but worth it.

Then I had a flu shot, blood pressure which was 45 points lower than the last one and then I made it to the bus with two minutes to spare before the ticket expired. Now I call that a good day.


  1. What a great way to start the day and prepare yourself for a flu shot...should be on all doctor's script pads ;)

  2. I call that a great day too. Now I want a cupcake.

  3. Bugger! Now you've started the whole vanilla slice craving again........

  4. River, I've fixed the link so you can click on to the most delicious photo of that slice.

    Bella, the cupcake was yum and I did eat the sugar flowers first.

    Not exactly the most healthy breakfast Jayne, but woman does not live by oats alone.

  5. Photo?? I can't eat a photo! but thanks for the link. I'll sit awhile and drool at it. Then I'll go and buy one tomorrow when I'm down near Villi's.

  6. When I was a young man I ate boston buns filled with cream -the whole thing in one go- and actually pawned stuff to buy them. If I ran a clothes shop I'd put trick windows in the change rooms to make women look slim.




  7. Mirrors, not windows. I meant Mirrors.

    (Maybe I meant windows)

  8. The best peep I ever had was in Carlisle Street St Kilda when four hippie girls moved in with a bathroom opposite my window. They never pulled down the blind, and I never opened mine; I had a spyhole in it. ha ha ha! Oh boy, well the caretaker was an old World War One digger who used to anecdote me on the doorstep every week when he collected the rent, I couldn't get rid of him. But I saw it out. I was a good boy. Really.

  9. Fin.

    The end.

    SHUT UP!


  10. Goodness, what a lot of comments, and some people get none.

  11. Rh, I love Boston buns but it has to be coconut and white butter icing, pink icing goes on finger buns.

    I have one of those thin mirrors, it's called my mind.
