Tuesday, May 04, 2010


This is mine, mine, all mine. The actual gem isn't as brilliantly flashy as this but more of a delicate pansy shading. I'll probably have it set with very dark amethysts or black Russian diamonds to give it the look of a garden pansy. Yes, I'll do that immediately I win Tattslotto.

I was right about the redback spider. Apparently the freak weather conditions have brought a plague of creatures including the redbacks. The National Pest Control said there hasn't been a redback plague like this in 15 years. Wasps that usually arrive in November and December, didn't turn up until February but around these parts didn't arrive at all. Termites are two months later but in higher numbers.

I didn't watch the 4 Corners programme on the child chocolate slaves last night, I just couldn't handle more children being exploited by shitful adults. I should have watched because I wanted to know if they're using children as cheap labour or because the adults are debilitated by AIDS.

I wished I hadn't read the article in the paper on Sunday about porkers (not me, real pigs). I don't get these conceptual artists but this woman, can't remember name and feet too sore to get up and get the article, but she followed a pig from slaughter to end product and that wasn't just food. The animal ends up every where, from paint brushes to beauty products AND licorice.

I can't believe it, my favourite nosh of chocolate covered licorice is now forbidden to me. Could I just bite it and not get a vision of child slavery and Babe? No, damn it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and licorice.

Why is it that looking at the distance on a map and actually walking it are two different things?
20 minute walk to bus stop, get out at Nepean Highway and walk through three shops on the way to Southland which seemed to get further and further away the more I walked. Finally I made it then there were steps but at the top was a cafe and booze. It did taste lovely. Then I got to walk all over Southland for mother's things and fecking cat food but only because it was on special, 30 cans yesterday and another 30 on Thursday should see it not starve for a week or two. By the time I staggered into the home, I could barely talk for pain so mother talked for me.

So walk again to the PO agency before the rain today. I haven't been to the bakery since sometime in January and she made me the best Capuccino I've had since then. The cocoa covered foam was at least 2cm above the cup. I was looking forward to drinking it until the wind whipped up and I was wearing it, fortunately I was quick enough to save the bag with the apple cake in it. Thanks to River, I put in the film from my camera which is a total mystery to me. I've had it in there for a year and since I didn't go anywhere, what's on it? Pick up registered mail and stagger home to find the cat sitting accusingly at its bowl. I wasn't gone that long and it ate before I left, walking stomach.

The Hun on Sunday had a recipe for Bailey's Irish Cream cupcakes with BIC icing, I'm filing that with my recipe for Bailey's fudge but tonight I think I'll just drink it until it flows down to the feet.


  1. blessed are the vegetarians ...
    and you are a gem with the gems.

  2. Annie O, if I find out there are child slaves in the Bombay Sapphire making of, I'm in real trouble.

  3. Your feet hurt right up to your fingers? Mine too. Worked a double shift today, nuff said.

    Love the sparkler, should look fantastic surrounded by black russian diamonds.

    Pigs in licorice huh? Who woulda thunk it.

  4. Have been meaning to write a post on porkies and ask What Goes Into Them recently as one of our cats developed a nasty skin rash allergy to raw pork intended for human consumption.
    If it makes a cat break out in bleeding skin lesions WTF have they done to it?

  5. Feet hurt up to your fingers - sorry for you - that feels horrible...hope today is an easier da

  6. River, I couldn't believe what the pig ended up in but when all is said and done, there wasn't any waste so I suppose that's one good thing. I've just decided not to read ingredients on beauty products.

    Jayne, Antikva had the same problem with her cat and the supermarket had put preservative in its premium mince so I'd bet on the same thing here.

    Therese, I did not leave my bed with the sun streaming in until I absolutely had to. Now there's no sun and the south wind is freezing.
