Friday, November 18, 2005


Just in case you weren't sure Americans were sane (oops, sorry JD) this comes to light and should help make up your mind.
There is a law in Georgia that allows children of any age to marry - and without parental consent- as long as the bride-to-be is pregnant. Many didn't know the law existed and it dates back to the early 1960s to prevent out-of-wedlock births. Great way to shut the stable door after the horse etc. At least one woman knew enough about it. The 37 year old is trying to get out of a child molestation charge by marrying the 15 year old boy who now can't testify against her.
Openly gay State Rep. Karla Drenner said she plans to author a bill that would bar children under 16 to marry regardless of the circumstances or at least require parental consent. (under 16?)
This in a state where a year ago law makers passed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. I suppose that does mean gay marriage between adults.

Over in London, same-sex couples are getting ready for the start of Civil Unions next month.
The Civil Partnership law goes into effect on December 5. Under the law people entering into a legal domestic partnership must publicly announce their plans at least 15 days in advance. Although the domestic partner registry offers most of the same rights and responsibilities of marriage they cannot be called marriages.

Travelers Protection Services, an insurance company that specializes in wedding insurance sees a potentially giant market in same-sex commitments. So much so it's opened a whole new division to deal with the expected demand.

If the Australian Government can figure out a way to make money out of gay marriage which is more than votes from religious nut groups then you'll have gay marriage before you can say 'I do'. In England they expect as many as 40,000 same-sex couples to 'get hitched' in the first year. An on-going money machine, the Libs would love that.


  1. Hi JT - Amen to all you said. I just read your Profile and you would have to be the ONLY bloggers who lists 'Ballet' plus 'that CRATER thing' I now cannot remember. You're a star!

  2. 'IMPACT Craters' you dunce Brownie.
    The 'Geology' goes with the 'Jewellery' logically though. If you add Fashion History to ballet you get Jean Cocteau and Ballets Russes. then you get Celia Birtwell 1960's prints which copied those Cocteau 1920's costumes, and she married Ossie Clark and Mick Jagger financed their boutique and his daughter does jewellery designs for Garrard? so we came full circle. Copperwith the ROUNDED Profile.

  3. Thank you girls, if I could get my head around politics the way I understand the other interests I'd be happy.

  4. It's okay. I don't mind, because I'm from Arkansas originally. Where the joke is that DNA tests are not allowed in court, because it's all the same DNA.

    But I can explain. No, really.

  5. JD, an Arkansas hillbilly and here I thought you were a Texas oil man.
