Monday, January 09, 2006


Every now and then while meandering through the blogs I come across a post that is so good that I wish I'd said that. "Terribly terribly tired of the abortion debate" is one of those posts and you can find it at so go and have a read.

No mention of the cockroach plague but we have a plague of flies, gnats, midges, mossies and it's the worst in years. According to the CSIRO, good spring and early summer rains provided perfect breeding and hatching habitats. Years of drought have led to fewer dung beetles and therefore more dung and flies. (Why does Parliament spring to mind?)

But we're saved. The spiders that eat them are also growing in numbers. Top of the list is our favourite, the red-back followed by the white-tail, black house, wolf, Victorian funnel web and the trapdoor, a fang waving sweetheart that can live up to 20 years. Now if the cockroaches are going to eat the spiders then I might be a bit more friendly. I told you it was the weather.

Even the polar bears are copping it from nature. The ice cap formed late this year and the bears starved because they use the sea ice to hunt seals. Not only starved but drowned as they had to swim longer distances from ice floe to ice floe. As if this wasn't enough hunters are paying $40,000 to hunt and shoot them as trophies. Let's make it a real sport, $40,000 gets them 4 Innuit spears, a hunting knife, snow shoes and a head start over the bear. The bear gets to play for free. Now that's sport.

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