Wednesday, March 01, 2006


The year he found out about 'Catch 22'. He was studying Part 1 of an Associate Diploma of Applied Science in Resource Management. The catch was that to do the second part of the Diploma he had to have a job with the Dept. of lands and Conservation. To get a job there he had to have experience and he was always too young. So he grew a beard to look older.
The best part of this year was the two weeks working at PowellTown with the Forestry Officer. In the middle of Winter, he was marking wild life corridors, checking logging of Mountain Ash and conducting a lst year regeneration survey in Mountain Ash regrowth. Despite all the hard work 'Catch 22' applied.


  1. "A Woman of Courage". Very rare, methinks, these days where alpha males have the technical ability to wield overwhelming weapons of mass destruction.

  2. and yer, self had a six month look at the "department of Agriculture" way back in the dim, dark 60's. too boring.. unfortunately.

  3. The kid was just out of his time. The way it is today he'd have had no trouble becoming a wildlife ranger. I could have used him the other night when I woke up to find a baby possum hanging from the bedroom curtain.

  4. I had a possum living in my open fireplace (kept in by the firescreen) for a week before WIRES came and rescued it.

    I could handfeed it near the end of its residency and kinda missed it. It was nice to be able to light a fire again.

  5. I had a pigeon in my little flat in St Kilda. I found it in Acland Street, it had a droopiing wing and couldn't fly. I had it in the flat for about ten days. After about a week it started flying around the place. Then one day I went out and left the window open, when I came back it was gone. I missed it alright.

  6. Soppy bloody blokes. A real pioneer woman would have had possum boots on her feet and a pigeon pie in the oven.
