Thursday, June 01, 2006


I went all over the mandarin tree to photograph the best and these were them. Don't look at the black hole in the middle, just pretend it isn't there because it wasn't. It's where the possum kama-kazied off the roof and landed smack in the middle of the tree and snapped off a loaded branch. So now they know the fruit is ripe and the war has begun. I walked out this morning and they have eaten the fruit and left the skins on the tree, swines.

I prunned this right down 12 months ago when the fruit didn't grow to more than grape size. It was overshadowed by a huge Blue Spruce so that was next to go. I think that's why the mandarin has come on so well, more water and sun. Notice my politically correct lawn, pine needles, grass tufts and dirt. It softens the landings when the possums fall out of the tree. When it rains on the blossoms, the smell of mandarins fill my bedroom.

Two years ago, I cut down the lemon tree to the second rail on the fence. I couldn't reach the ripe fruit at the top so I thought 'That'll learn ya!' but it loved it. In the grass at the bottom is a large cat and the fence is over 6 foot tall. It's a bit hard to see the lemons because the stupid things aren't ripe yet and I still haven't figured out how to get the top ones down.
I had never prunned anything until the Blight left and six years ago I did it a lot easier than these days. I just take my time, a few branches each day.

There are only two rules for cutting branches. Don't hang on to the branch you're cutting and don't stand under the branch you're cutting when hanging on to the branch next to it. In all cases this leads to stitches and a black eye.


  1. Prunning? ... Prunning? And where does one get prunning shears? Bunnings for prunnings I suppose...

  2. Typical male, shears! I use a bloody big prunning saw. Shears are for little flowers and delicate things, like bear paws.

  3. Now I feel guilty ... no more blogging for me today, it's off to find the pruning saw and shears I go ...

  4. Getting fruit down from on high:
    1. nail a tin to the handle from a plastic rake which has passed usefulness.
    2. wear plastic safety glasses.

    (the eye and ear hospital say most of their emergencies are from ball sports and gardening)

    3. lift this tin on a stick until the fruit is inside it and then give a bit of a shove to detach fruit.

    4. put out alternate diet for possums.

  5. What's with all the the prunning around here?

  6. That tin on a stick is a ripper!
    I'm going to try it on the lemon tree next door. Sure beats having to get up and reach over the fence!


  7. Link, I didn't know horses ate trees let alone lemon leaves.

    I'm not going near that 'ball sports injuries' comment but the tin on a stick sounds brilliant, you lemon thieving brownie.

    Bear go and help Ron prune. It's wonderful exercise and you get to have things fall on your head and bleed everywhere and get sympathy, not from us mind, but there's sure to be someone.
