Lovely isn't it? It's called a wave cloud and is formed when there are two parallel layers of air that are usually moving at different speeds and in opposite directions. All I have to do is just sit here and look at the wave cloud. Tension will roll away with the wave cloud. Blood pressure will go down by meditating on the wave cloud. The wave cloud is soothing especially when Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major is playing in the background, well the adagio assai part.
NO it's not working. Maybe this will....
my ex husband is a supercilious fucking prick who I would like to spit on.
Oh yes, that feels much better. The funeral is on Tuesday and he will be speaking and I hope he is the only one. I may not control myself if the Blonde gets up for a few words. My sister, the expert in all things metaphysical although how she can read a book on metaphysics while drinking vodka, smoking and betting on horses and still consider herself enlightened is beyond me, anyhoo according to the expert, departed souls sometimes do turn up at their own funeral.
M-I-L didn't really like the Blonde. If she gets up and makes a gushy speech and there's thunder, lightning and a raging tornado then I might believe the departed is with us. Blondie did ask if the photos I took on Friday were on my digital camera so they could use them at the funeral. I am the sole support of several utility companies and a vet surgery, how in the feck could I afford a digital camera? Venture out of LaLaLand sometimes, tart, and see how the pensioners live.
Rant over and composure begins since it will take until Tuesday for the rage to subside. I never wear black to funerals, always red to celebrate life not death so out will come the 20 year old red dress and the fifteen rubies and 8 diamonds ring that M-I-L gave to me with her own hands so she knew it was mine. I will wave it around a lot and on my other hand I think I'll wear my wedding and engagement rings and wave them around a lot. And what's more, I'm taking anti-spew pills and I'm going to hug and kiss the ex right in front of her.
After this I hope I never have to see or be nice to him again. twunt
Take no prisoners, mate. We would expect no less - and we know you won't let us down!
ReplyDeleteDo it with syle hun.
ReplyDeleteThat cloud is beautiful, ive never seen one like it before ! Yeah being overtly nice and extremely happy seems to piss them off more than anything! Goodluck!
ReplyDeleteI think a sweeping kick to the groin region is probably in order followed by a quick comment like, "I sure hope the pathetic little thing is O.K!"
ReplyDeleteLet it all hang out, Jahteh! Red sounds great.
Sounds like an excellent plan to me.
ReplyDeleteSo Blondie thinks you have the disposable income of a money-grubbing gold-digger?
ReplyDeleteI hope she is struck by lightning.
Ask her how she is enjoying all the faults and vices of your ex - the ones YOU know so well and are rid of.
Thanks for the gorgeous pic of the wave cloud - thinking of you, and hope there's a drink 'after' in memory of the MIL*, to relax you enough to put your mind and mouth into vitriolic high gear (ansd of course we are hanging out for a full report).
*Bless HER soul now she is free and 'awakened from the dream that is Life' as Shelley may have said.
Thanks everyone but as the saying goes, you shouldn't kick a dog when it's down.
ReplyDeleteI went for gracious elegance and looking younger than his awfully wedded tart. Man, that sheila has a mean mouth and little beady eyes like a ferret. When I stand beside her, I feel like Elle. There, you can always find something good about anybody.
Dear Friend, on a trial basis, I'm setting up my blog for Team Members only. This is an attempt to create a refuge in cyberspace for special people, one where you can comment without fear of ridicule and where I don't have to upset people by deleting their posts.
ReplyDeleteI need your email address to enable me to make you a member. If you send it to sagacious39@gmail.com.au I'll fill it in then destroy it. Cheers. Daniel.
P.S. Sorry - without the au!
ReplyDeleteForget the team approach. Blogger had a nasty little surprise which they neglected to admit to. Comments as usual. Cheers!