Thought about food again and got pissed on by the Heavens again as I walked home again.
My food thinking is actually doing me good. The more recipes I read, the more I remember how hard cooking is, well not the cooking, all the chopping and washing up is tiresome and this is keeping me to the diet. (apart from yesterday's delicious little slip up)
Since it's coming on to soup season I bought a carton of Campbell's REAL STOCK, vegetable. All ingredients are listed on the side which has confused me a little. This carton contains, water, vegetable stock (?) 3% (water, carrots, celery, beetroot, parsley, lettuce, watercress, spinach), food acid (citric acid) natural flavour, sugar, soy sauce (contains soy and wheat), salt, onions, garlic, vegetable paste (contains milk products) herbs. So the way I read it, I have bought a carton of vegetable stock which contains vegetable stock as one of its ingredients. I'm glad I didn't buy a bridge.
I also grabbed the free magazine that Safeway uses to shamelessly plug all manner of packaged chemically enhanced natural food. This little gem caught my eye. It's another use for those morsels of patriotic delight, Anzac biscuits. You soften them in the microwave for 30 seconds, then while they're soft, press them into muffin tins (sounds very prOn) and hey presto, when cold you have little cases to fill with caramel and cover with chocolate. I would like some with chocolate mousse, lemon curd even or a liquer truffle mix, lovely but labour intensive. I'd have to stand up a lot to make them and then make coffee to have while eating them, then wash the cup and all the utensils etc. but if the Anzac fairy leaves any on the doorstep, they'll be appreciated. HINT.
If anyone is thinking of using the new Ajax superdooper bathroom cleaner, read the directions first. You don't want to go spraying it around then find out that it's a level 8 corrosive, to be used only with gloves and don't breathe the fumes. It's not a bathroom cleaner, it's a chemical weapon of mass destruction. I'm still hacking up bits of lung and that's after I poured it down the shower drain with cold water. I figured it would probably dissolve all that red hair that the drain trolls weave into gold in the pipes.
That finishes the shopping report for this week.
JT, if it rains every time you even think about food, can you please move north...
ReplyDeleteMy Minister opened a conference this week, welcomed all the southern staters, encouraged them to move to Qld and bring their water with them....
Hmmmn, I read that description of the half-melted anzac biscuits filled with sweet gloop and just thought "revolting". Give me a dill pickle thanks.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried that product called "Bam"? Talk about Bam! MY youngest who lives in Melbourne had it ready for me when I visited...she is not well enough to do heavy duty cleaning, poor little when I visited last year Iasked her to line up the stuff she couldn't do - for me to do...An hour after starting on her bathroom and after using BAM i literally crawled out of the bathroom with a toxic headache...
ReplyDeleteIf it did that Phil, we'd be knee deep in floods. I'm looking out on blue sky at the moment when it's supposed to be raining so come tomorrow when I'm walking, I'll drown again.
ReplyDeleteMeredith, the recipe said to use a packet caramel pie filling which sounded revolting. Given the size of the biscuits, smaller than I remember, it would only be a small case and would be nice with vanilla icecream and melted chocolate for a small dessert.
MC, Bam was right next to it on the shelf and I was tossing up about which one to buy but Bam has been splashing money about on TV ads which annoy me so picked the other. I'll stick to White King and an old toothbrush.
That is the only way to clean a shower Ron but if I had your sort of equipment I'd be worried about the corrosive element. It seems to have cleaned the pipes out though.