Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I have a few of them, problems that is.

Anybody know why blogger has decided to plonk my witchy gravatar and profile to the very bottom of the blog?

Why aren't ladders made with wider steps?

Why do stupid women go up ladders instead of washing the wall with a broom while standing on solid ground?

Why is it murphy's law that if I bang my shin on the blanket box, I'll do it again in the same spot at least three more times?

Why does it take this government no time at all to send the rodent around the world but takes days to get aid to tsunami victims?


  1. ... actually I said more than that but blogger got all previous and posted rather than previewed.

    Now you're going to have to guess what I was going to say coz I'm all upset and I'm taking my bat'n'ball and going home.

  2. Sorry M'dear, I just thought your teeth had fallen out.

  3. Pop outside and commune with nature. You may observe that it is a full moon. R came home from work today moaning about clients. Then he saw the full moon rising and it all fell into place.

  4. Big problem: reading 14 of your posts in a desperate attempt to catch up results in a face so sore from laughing I won't be able to talk to anyone for days. Actually, that could be a good thing...

  5. Andrew, where I sit with the computer I can see the moon rising and it was beautiful with the clouds drifting across.

    Duckie, you don't have time to read blogs unless you have access to a time-turner. That new book binding is looking very interesting.

  6. whoooaaa I have had the exact sam thing with all my stiff going to the bottom on the right...whooo what a coincidence.

    Ladders need wider steps for those of us wider he he he
    Stupid women do stupid things and who washes walls anyways...

    Of course...I have a spur on my ankle...I bump it over and overt and over again... Morphies law getcha...

    because lovely the rat cost money ...we humans are not worth a pinch of shit to "Government"

  7. Crap my typing is horendous see above...
    "exact same thing"
    ""my stuff going to the bottom"
    ets etc

  8. I've just been up the damn thing again to change a light bulb and the step is so short(?) that I'm balancing on the instep and it hurts. My sister has the right idea, spread towells on the floor and wash everything with the broom, let water drip then wash towells. I only washed just above the door, a tiny space, I'm not that stupid.

  9. There are women who wash walls???
    :)CB x
