Friday, June 15, 2007


Online porn is freely available to Australia's federal politicians and their staff in Parliament House and their offices around the country.

A FAMILY FIRST investigation has discovered there is no Internet filter on the Australian Parliament's computer system, making Parliament House a workplace that peddles porn.
While bureaucrats have porn sites blocked, politicians and their staff do not, proving yet again there's one rule for politicians and one for everyone else.

FAMILY FIRST's investigation also revealed there are no Internet filters at public libraries in Victoria, including major centres like Geelong, Mount Waverley and Richmond. Children can simply log on to computers and have their minds polluted by porn and violence.

FAMILY FIRST leader Steve Fielding today lashed out at the Government in a Senate Estimates hearing, accusing it of peddling sex, smut and sleaze and potentially feeding some people's porn addiction.

He also accused the Government of hypocrisy. In 2005, more than 60 Coalition MPs wrote to the Prime Minister demanding tougher action on online porn and violence. But for politicians it is okay; they can feast on a diet of sickening porn every day if they choose.

Communications Minister Helen Coonan has talked tough about cracking down on Internet porn, saying on June 14 last year, "The Government has committed to doing everything reasonably possible to ensure that all Australians – particularly children – are safe on the Internet."
What an absolute farce when politicians themselves are served free porn.

They're getting free porn????

Now if that's not an incentive to be a politician, I don't know what is.

You've gotta love Fielding, he cracks me up with every newsletter.


  1. "Now if that's not an incentive to be a politician, I don't know what is."

    You won't be surprised to learn that CameraFace has already asked me to be his campaign manager for the next election. (No salary, but as many downloads as I like.)

    Am pondering the request but I'm sure we'd all like to see such members exercising their influence along the hallowed halls of Canberra.

  2. Sun Tzu: Know your enemy.

    better still, know your enemy nakewd. With a lady friend...

  3. Rumour has it your download is just that. Have you seen the Parliament website, they look like porn producers half of them.

    Phil, the image of any of the liberal party naked is searing to the eyeballs. Joe Hockey in speedos? Costello in a G-string? Abbott in his hairshirt?

  4. Well Jahteh I probably owe you more than you'd owe me. So I'm racking up another debt by asking you to print this. Although I'd say it has interest for all bloggers in the way of never really knowing each other. And getting a shock when one turns nasty.

    So here's an example; a comment I put on Miss Link's blog, and which she changed.

    From this:

    While the Christian-phobe slaves practise communion at footpath cafes on Focaccia Street I'm thankful not to be one of them -because these dreary done-up gentrifying little drones have hairdos worth more than their brains. I'm just thankful not to be part of this dumb up-to-date ritualistic herd, marching to cafes to read newspapers, type 'poetry', eat brekky, and exchange shrill imbecilities on mobile phones. What a bummer when everything you do is to get approval from such a naive fashionista clan like this! So obedient! Honestly, I've never seen such slaves -to conformity!- Inflexiblity! And terror.
    And of course there's always some pansy joke gluing it together, e.g. the world was created by a macaroni monster ('hoo-hoo-hoo').
    Well golly me, is that what you get after twenty years of education: a tenth-rate try at humour from some snot-nosed pox-brained bum as untalented as themselves: a shitbrain. They've no talent, that's all. No heart no guts. So God help the future if these shallow, privileged, pigeon-chested mugs ever get the obedience they crave. Because nothing ever came from nothing, and they can't realise it: there is earth, fire, water: MATERIAL!

    And no 'big bang' without it.

    -To this:

    "While the Christians practise communion at footpath cafes on Focaccia Street I'm thankful to be one -we dreary done-up gentrifying little drones have hairdos worth more than our brains. I'm just thankful to be part of this dumb up-to-date ritualistic herd, marching to cafes to read newspapers, type 'poetry', eat brekky, and exchange shrill imbecilities on mobile phones. What a bummer when everything we do is to get approval from the fashionista. So obedient! Honestly, I've never been such a slave -to conformity!- Inflexiblity! And terror.
    And of course there's always some pansy joke gluing us together, e.g. the world was created by a macaroni monster ('hoo-hoo-hoo').
    Well golly up my nose, is that what I get after twenty years of education; a tenth-rate try at humour/a shitbrain. I've no talent, that's all. No heart no guts. So God help the future from we shallow, privileged, pigeon-chested mugs Nothing ever came from nothing, and we can't realise it: there is earth, fire, water: MATERIAL!

    And no 'big bang' without it."

    Edited By Siteowner Because she can.
    R.H. | 06.17.07 - 6:17 am | #

    How silly is she? This isn't editing, it's alteration, to change meaning. It's dishonest, it's spiteful, it's a disgrace. I have some respect for bloggers who delete, but none at all for anyone in ANY medium who'd treat correspondence in this way. You may not like what RH -or anyone else says, and you don't have to print it, but if you do, let it stand.

  5. RH - just get your own blog and put it all there where it will be safe from others.

    1. re parliament, facilities, use thereof: the establishment contains 2 tennis courts and a gymnasium, both ignored by Members, so maybe they will ignore the pron too. Fielding - recently Sen. Bob Brown succinctly listed all the family friendly votes that Fielding failed to be present for in da House.
    The man, like so many of his co-believers, is a complete hypocrite.
    pls take note evabodee:
    Hypocrisy is worse than censorship.

  6. Done, Rh and I understood neither version so I'll hie me over to Link's and find out what is going on. When are you going to learn you cannot dig holes in other children's sandpits. I echo Bwca, get a blog, we'll visit with cake and flowers, not lattes though, I'll bring a long black.

    Fielding is an ambitious politician who couldn't get with the Liberals so went where he could to get into Parliament which he wouldn't have if the Labor Party in Victoria hadn't done a deal with Family First.

  7. You're right, but Helena I don't want to be safe. Because then I might become a coward, a censorer, and hypocrite, myself. The worst straightout hypocrites are millionaire socialists. They're in it for the game, not the dough.

  8. well how do you stand up for yourself without putting holes in people's vanity. They're telling me Christ is a fairytale, so I'll tell them this, if I didn't believe in him I'd have killed about 10,000 people by now. No joke.

  9. Rh, Christ is not a fairytale but what people have done in his name is a nightmare.

  10. Don't give me that, you should listen to what's being said, not who's saying it. Whenever any unpopular move is made by some politician there's a mad scramble to find out if he's Christian -as if that would be the only reason he'd do it.
    Wake up, the worst people I've known haven't been Christian at all, and would kill us both for five bob.

  11. Rh, you should have said they do a mad scramble to find out if they're Christian or Muslim these days. It's not just Christian bashing, all over the world bad things are done in the name of *insert religion of choice* and that has to change.
