Friday, October 05, 2007


Six phone calls this week from various charities asking for money. In this country there shouldn't have to be charities from hospitals or 'Councils for the .........' asking for any donations when the Federal Government is spending $1 million a day telling me how wonderful they are. My answer to every call was to refer them to Kirribilli House and ask for Jeannette.

The Teev every night has at least 6 ads or more if I include the ones for the defence forces and I sit here thinking of how far I'm having to stretch an aged pension for my mother. It hasn't helped that the safety net for scripts didn't kick in until a month later than last year so I'm still $254 behind at the pharmacy.

Now I have to put up with the Libs and their revolting racist policies. Where I live there is a large population of Sudanese and they don't bother me at all. I like to see the children walking around and laughing, not worrying about a bullet in the back or losing their parents to dysentery in a refugee camp. And another thing, Andrews, you po-faced walking bag of excrement, my granddaughters are part Sri Lankan and if I ever hear of them being racially harrassed because of your filthy prejudice in the pursuit of re-election, you'll have to lock me away on Nauru because I'll be coming for you.

A bit feisty and snotty this week is the old witch. Mama has decided that being placid and nice is no fun and has put unpleasant back on the menu. She doesn't know what day it is but the woman can sow discord. She lives in an alternate universe where we are insane and she is holding us together by her sheer force of will. My nephew is on the brink of a complete breakdown. I have spent the week staving off depression by banging my head on walls, crying a lot and eating a lot more. Just forget diets and having a life, it's never going to happen. My sister's back on the Vodka, beer just wasn't strong enough.

The situation makes it impossible to think or talk rationally. I must have been giving off very bad vibes every time I saw a little old lady in front of the shopping trolley yesterday. Usually I'm plagued with them but yesterday they seemed to scrurry away like politicians faced with a popularity poll. It was a good move, I was not in the mood to take prisoners.

Okay, breathe in, breathe out. There have been good moments. The hot water is still hot even with the strong winds this week. I found I had $10 in the 50 cent money box. This morning I had two beautiful ducks in the backyard, one eating the bread and the other standing in the makeshift birdbath having a drink. I stood behind the curtains for a long time watching them and it reduced the stress levels to almost zero, almost.


  1. You may not feel like smilin' but your duck story left me smilin' Thanks. Someone commented on why did I leave out seed for the Galahs and Lorikeets etc... well just looking at the faces of the Galahs makes me happy...they have this look that they are pretending to be stupid but are really cunning and smart...

    sorry about your Mum and all that. I have such good memories of mine and yes she had a shopping trolly but put the odd oretest sticker on it was making a statement...

    I'd be going for the scotch in this situation...just use my wine cask these days...does the trick so I can sleep...

    better day tomorrow for you al hopefully

  2. "This morning I had two beautiful ducks in the backyard, one eating the bread and the other standing in the makeshift birdbath having a drink."

    And very generously they'll have no doubt left you a small deposit for your up and coming guanno venture. Still...better to get shit on by a duck than by a greedy capitalist agenda. At least duck's arses don't pretend that they're crapping all over the place for ethical reasons.

  3. MC, I get mostly the nondescript birds but sometimes lorikeets or a cockatoo but I've never had the ducks. I'm not one for scotch but I've still got some nice vintage port hidden.

    Hughes, you genius. What a brilliant election slogan....
    VOTE FOR..........

  4. Anyway I still have enough guano left in my mind by the ex-husband.

  5. Clearly getting a duck at your rear has nothing to do with weight. I did not know there were Sudanese in your area. Driving through on Sunday morning but too pressed for time to call in for tea and toast.

  6. Nathan Buckley has retired: a great player, and a great bloke.

  7. "My answer to every call was to refer them to Kirribilli House and ask for Janette" ...

    absolutely GOLD.

    peace and love ...

  8. Well when you only get one vote and don't feel you can do anything, a big of righteous indignation does a world of good.

    I msut say, JT, you're wonderfully erudite when you're angry :-)

  9. Andrew, my morning starts at midday and I burn toast so bring croissants.

    Rh, nice to see him go gracefully but I think it was time, too many injuries make it a very young man's game these days.

    Only if it's not a call centre from India, Annie. I really get pissed off with them because this kind of calling ads to the administration costs so half of any donation is lost before it gets to the cause. I usually tell the Diabetes caller that they can't have any clothes because I'm wearing the rags.

    I tell you Phil, I'd love to have the power to dump this moron in the middle of a refugee camp to see how fast he assimilates to the situation. Little snot would be on his knees with a Bible praying for an entry visa to Oz in 2 secs and I wouldn't give it to him, if I was in charge that is.

  10. The last time somebody called at my house collecting money for the needy I said, "Ta very much" and disappeared inside with the collection box.

  11. "I usually tell the Diabetes caller that they can't have any clothes because I'm wearing the rags."

    Whereas I tell the Diabetes caller to piss off. "WHY?", you ask.

  12. Specifics.

    "The Sunday Age visited the Savers store in Brunswick and bought a winter coat for $39.99. Although the previous owner donated the coat to charity, little more than the value of its buttons would go to charity under the deal with the for-profit second-hand clothing chain. Under what is believed to be the agreement, Savers would get $38 and the charity [either the YMCA or Diabetes Australia] $1.99, or 3 per cent of the sale price."

  13. Sounds like a great place, Sedgers. I wonder if they've got any outlets round here, I could do with a new coat. Thanks for tip.
