There are severe flood warnings for the east coast of England and the Thames Barriers are due to be closed. Low pressure and strong winds coinciding with peak high tides and a predicted tidal surge of 3 m. coming down the North Sea have the experts watching. The winds are predicted to be close to 50 kmph. The above map shows the areas most in danger of severe flooding if there were no flood defences.
Reminds me of the recent movie on tv. It was so good, I don't recall the actors or the title, but it was about a storm surge up the Thames.
ReplyDeleteSo...Yorkshire's about to get flooded into non-existance. Long overdue, I reckon.
ReplyDeleteI'm RH and I'm hep.
ReplyDeleteI missed that one Andrew but the one I like is about a flooded London and a giant mutant ratman.
ReplyDeleteThe worst that could happen is that the water comes in then goes out and uncovers several roman ruins. As long as the local pub remains standing.
Hep C or hip, Rh.
Ya....lets embrace the "earthquake Generation"....and not look sad when they bite the dust!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about earthquakes Morgana, although you'd be surprised how many we get each week in Australia, but Anak Krakatoa is spewing up a few chunks at the moment. Indonesia is denying that that has anything to do with Mt. Kelud showing eruption signs as well.
ReplyDeleteRh, how very 'Beat' of you.