Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We have been having trouble with Mother overfeeding the cat. I've never met a cat yet that would say no to a third helping of food not even at 3 in the morning which is when she usually overfeeds the moggy.

So the BrickOutHouse has been hiding the tins and only bringing out two for each day. When he went away, he left just the right amount but she overfed the cat and I had to replace two cans of food which I left on the kitchen table. I have a witness, my sister saw the cans.

When she went over later, the cans are missing. BrickOutHouse is feeding the cat, pleased she hasn't been overfed. Sister asks Mother where the two cans went to. She doesn't know but she supposes I took them, after all I take everything else. Dame Joan is waiting in the wings.

I know what she's done. She's so pissed that we hide the cans and she has no control over them that she's hidden the missing two, somewhere in the bedroom, just so she can feed (overfeed) the cat when she feels like it.

I feel sorry for the BrickOutHouse. His other grandmother was operated on yesterday for stomach cancer and she's as mad, if not madder, than this grandmother. Fancy copping a quinella like that.


  1. *There is said to be a connection between the size of a person's nose and their sexual organs.

    You just knew I would bite didn't you! It is true in my experience.

  2. Prove it, take your boots off and we'll see which myth is true.

  3. This has to have the mkings of a novel...but you'll have to be the last one standing in the fam before you can...

  4. I love those books with all the family secrets but I don't know how they can remember all the details. Probably because in the 'old days' people wrote letters instead of emails and phone calls.

  5. Anonymous, your manuscript length comment has been deleted as spam. If you'd signed it, I probably would have left it for everyone to see and make their own decisions as to whether you're a nutjob or a prophet.
