Thursday, September 25, 2008


I hate Shrek and the Shrek show in the centre court when I'm trying to have a quiet cup of coffee and my back is killing me and my feet are hurting and my knees are begging for mercy.
Snotty nosed little kids loved it though. I am way past loving small children.

I did buy the StarWars video and it has the new and old version, 2 disc set. Colour me happy.

I was wearing a dress which was one of my successes, everything about it worked and I have been wearing it for a loooooong time. I reached up to the top shelf in the supermarket and I glanced down to find said dress has not much left under the arm pit. Threadbare and showing skin. How embarassment.

Christmas decorations are in the shops. You'd think they'd wait until after the footy final and Halloween and Cup Day but there they are, shelves up to the ceiling. Be cunning, Lincraft drop their prices long before December 25 but Big W doesn't.


  1. "I am way past loving small children."

    Ditto. Just wait until Halloween. After the racket the local kids have made all summer I'll show 'em what Trick or Treat means if they knock on my front door. The cattle prod is primed and ready.

  2. Incidentally, a man in Scotland where I lived once was giving out leaflets about how Mike Myers Scottish accent in Shrek was oppressive and RACIST!

    I wish I still had the leaflet...

  3. Heh. Welcome to the Dark Side, young Jahteh.

  4. I don't mind small children but I couldn't manage to eat a whole one.
    I'm being threatened with grandchildren in the not-too-distant future....I shall nail my door shut and turn the Pink Floyd vinyl up really LOUD till they disappear ;)

  5. Fleetwood, more imagination, please. You'd have to be fast to get more than one kid with the prod. Much better would be a howling wolf record and a threat to turn them loose.

    Miles, I agree with him after listening to that accent for half an hour. I don't know why they used a Scots accent instead of an incomprehensible Lancashire one.

    Duckie, I still have the original video if BumbleBee would like it for his collection. The tape shows up scratches along the bottom of the screen so a technie might be able to clean it up. I raced up and bought it the first day it was released. You might say it was the 'Harry Potter' of its day.

    Jayne, welcome the grandchildren, it's the only time kids will look on you as a God and you get to give them back. Then there's the pleasure of watching your children going through what you did. You wouldn't believe the satisfaction of that.

  6. How to fix the dress. Cut out the threadbare bits, sew in pieces of plain or patterned contrasting material. Use the same material to add pockets, (big square patch pockets), and a band or two around the skirt down near the hem. Instant designer chic. (Well, it worked on hand-me-down jeans and dresses for my kids, people would stop me in the street and ask where I bought their clothes.)
    Forget christmas decorations this year. Wait until the after, after christmas sales. I know that after christmas Coles has their leftover stuff 50% off, a week or so after that, it's 75% off, by the end of January we were selling christmas stuff for 20 cents.

  7. HaHaHaHa, jayne, you could probably manage a whole one if you chose a newborn......

  8. River, this dress was made from two dresses of faux suede, black and tan and I've been wearing it for 20 years. I checked through the photo albums so I think it deserves retirement to house dress.
    I have never yet reached the post-Christmas sales to get anything worthwhile.
