Sunday, November 02, 2008


Here are some words for your next trivia night.

OTOLITH. Give up? It's an ear bone of a fish made of calcium carbonate and protein that helps fish maintain their balance. As the fish grows, its otoliths form sequential rings like a tree trunk, corresponding to different times in the fish's life. The chemical makeup of each ring tells us where the fish had been living durng that time period.

PHONOLITE. A type of lava that rings when struck with a hammer.

Sometimes I read the strangest articles.


  1. I was really good at trivia when I was want to know the members of Bananarama, I'm your Miles...

  2. Trivia for me is knowing what Bananarama is.
    I hate trivia nights. I always know the answer the morning after.

  3. 80s band, sang Venus, big in Holland? I went to one in Launceston that was obviously rigged in favour of the Launcestonian could know THAT much about Wittgenstein...

  4. But can you tell the age of the fish when you ring the phonolite and does it play a different tune if you use a spanner instead of a hammer?

  5. for godssakes I'm still working on PHLANGES from the previous post.

    I thought Bananarama did that song about waiting for robert deniro?

  6. They did - before the Spice Girls they were the biggest selling girl group ever...Robert De Niros waiting, talking Italian...they don't write em like that anymore etc...

  7. Otolith. Got that one. I'm sure I'm going to have problems remembering that other one though. But thanks. You're a mine of useful information, Jahteh!

  8. What magazines do you read? Where do you find all this information. Do you search for it on purpose or does it just come your way?
    Trivia mostly eludes me. It's there in my mind, but it loves to play hide and seek.

  9. I don't remember the 80s, I wonder where I was? Best Dutch band has to be Sailor and I still play the album and sing....badly.

    Watch the jokes, Jayne or I'll send you the page and make you explain it to the Feral Beast.

    Annie, that would be phalanges, my lousy spelling.

    Hello Oz, If you're here the pain must be getting better or you've upped the painkillers. You must find a way to spring these words on the sprogs and drive them crazy.

    River, just an interest in rocks and stuff. I'm hopeless at trivia nights, it's always on the tip of my tongue but I never get it out. I can't play Bingo either, I get totally confused.

  10. I knew both of them, but you gave the answers away immediately. Where's the fun in that?

    "What magazines do you read? Where do you find all this information."

    It was all in last month's issue of Hello.

  11. Heavens Fleetwood, I don't read rubbish like that. All my information comes straight from the Daily Mail. It has neat pictures of Her Maj.
