Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Making the bed is not going well. Probably the glue sniffing. It's not my fault I keep finding more interesting things to do other than housework. That's the nice thing about a Hoover, it just sits in the middle of the lounge, silent and patient. It knows that sooner or later I'll have to stop kicking it aside and actually use it.

It's pissing down outside and I'm cold so I haven't turned the pilot light off in the gas fire so I can't put up the folderoles for decoration.

Laugh of the day was 'her down the back' having solar heating put up but they had to stop because of the rain.

Laugh of the week was hearing the Blight and Blonde have gotten humongously fat. Of course my spy could have been just a tad spiteful because he'd just won the Christmas ham raffle which she was hoping to win. With all his money and he's still looking to win the food raffle, his father's son all over. Fat, heart attack on legs but not her, she's already got a pacemaker, the reptile.

Okay, I'm ready to try the bed once more. Wouldn't you think someone would have had the bright idea to write top, bottom, sides on an almost square doona?

Chocolate Ripple cake very luscious and rich. I decided to freeze it but forgot to put freezer paper on the plate so now I can't get it off and the plate is frozen as well. On the other hand I did find the half dozen donuts I bought last week, nicely frozen but they thaw fast. Fancy me forgetting donuts, talk about a senior's moment.


  1. I think you could concentrate on why your ex is still so much of an obsession to you. It seems strange to be so bitter when you can choose to find someone who will make you happy.

  2. Are you serious? Sure, she can find happiness, but how does she get over the bitterness of being dumped for someone else? (Unless she were a psychopath of course, feeling nothing at all.)

  3. If your Hoover is an upright one, there's a better use for it than vacuuming; it's a handy place to hang some damp washing.

  4. Glad, you're mistaking sarcasm for bitter. I wasn't with him for 5 minutes, it was a 30 year bridge with a lot of flowing water under it.
    I am perfectly happy being alone and will be ever grateful to the blonde twit for walking off with him.

    Rh, it wasn't the dumping, it was not telling me he was dumping me until he walked out the door. I'd just spent the housekeeping on food for him when I could have been buying champagne for me.

    Kath, damp washing? That's that strange stuff that goes in the dryer, right. Uprights are great for leaning the cobweb broom against. It's also nice to talk to, it doesn't answer back and never asks to share your chocolate.

  5. Forgetting frozen donuts is entirely forgiveable. Now if you'd forgotten a lemon meringue pie that would be a whole 'nuther story.
    About the doona, if it's almost square what difference does it make which way you throw it over? Do what I do and fix a tiny safety pin on to the corner which goes nearest your feet. Problem solved. Or you could make (yes, sew) a whole new doona with appliqued letters reading top, bottom, side, side, in the appropriate places. Hey, there's a great idea! In primary colours and kid bed sizes...
    R.H. Bitter is a strange feeling. Sometimes a person (me) doesn't realise she's bitter, then one day she decides that hate is damaging to self more than to others and makes a concious decision to let it go. I think Jahteh let go long ago, like me she is happy alone. Unfortunately I am no longer alone, having made a second mistake (marriage) a few years ago.

  6. River, I remembered the tag goes to the bottom but it's staying how it is until the next change.

    And I have to say, one mistake for me was quite enough. I mean if he'd told me he was leaving, I'd have tossed rose petals all the way to the car. What were you thinking to fall into marriage again?

  7. The delightful fruit of my loins told me about 12 mths ago my ex was beefing up into aserious contender for Lard-Arse of The Year, to match his Rancid Butterball of a wife ;)

  8. What was I thinking? Well obviously I wasn't thinking. Amoment of foolishness, I didn't know him well enough, then it was too late....I was truly ignorant of his mental health issues, now that I know him, it's kinda too late to just toss him out, he has no money, no friends, nowhere to go. If I asked him to leave there would be confusion, rage, out on his own he would be drinking again. If he leaves on his own (haha) I'm fine with that, but I don't feel right tossing him out. We muddle along okay most of the time.
    Different topic. Brag, brag, my grandson, Sam, got EIGHT A's on his school report!

  9. Hahe Jayne, see it's not bitterness, it's KARMA.

    Glad, if you pop back, I'll tell you all about the sleaze who propositioned my sister to name her own price to be his mistress. She never told me until after he left when I wondered why she hardly visited or spoke to me. And while I was in hospital having my knees replaced he was off having an affair with my best friend. And at his last job he told everyone he had a partner not a wife so was free to come and go without me.

    River, that is something to boast about, boast away. I haven't heard from mine since July so Christmas presents to them are mosquito nets for kids in Africa.

  10. Doona. Doona sumo. Doona Loon. Donna Leon. Lorna Doone. So confusing. (Doona or no, I need a nanny nap toute de suite.)

    "I'll tell you all about the sleaze who propositioned my sister to name her own price to be his mistress."

    ... and you promised never to let the pussy out of the bag. (Dammit all, I offered her more cowrie shells, beads and mirrors than she had ever dreamed of!)

  11. I have a neat trick re my bed and doona... I only sleep on one side...so the other side is clean...I move to that side when needed so the bed only needs remaking less often...I am with you re the doona...

    re the two nasty butterballs...shit happens and its better when it happens to the real bastards in this world...hee heee

  12. We all know who's dreaming here, MiLord. Now send me money or the Lady Livia gets a copy of that comment.

  13. Therese, I would automatically turn to the wrong side for a book and fall out of bed. Anyway you changing sides means you're sleeping in Don's arms, for me it means visiting nightmare alley.

  14. Jahteh, without a word of a lie the word verification here is


    I think it's trying to tell you to reclaim the other side of the bed!

  15. I've tried to do that, Helen but I can't sleep on that side. I have moved towards the middle though and I did try having only two pillows. That was a disaster, I kept falling off the other two. You can't change 30 years of sleeping habits.
