Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm trying a new tack. I've disconnected everything from the point in the lounge including the line to the computer. Then I ran the line all the way into the bedroom phone connection. So as of 6.10pm I'm online. If this works then it's the point that's gone and it'll stay gone until I can afford the excessive Telstra call out fee.

There will be no betting on how soon I will trip over the phone line running through the house.

Memo to self - lift your bloody feet.


  1. Have you considered using the Internet in your local library? It's free and it probably works, so that's two things in its favour straight away.

  2. Paint the line with glow in the dark paint. And lift your feet.

  3. Fleetwood, one, it's summer and I like to blog in the nude. Picture that everytime you log on.

    River, I'm also going to run this line into the lounge and see if it works which means that the other line was dodgy and not the point. Then because the bedroom has a double jack I could charge the hand held phone there, just to keep by the chair at night so I don't have to take my legs off the foot stool. The joy of having a foot stool without cats throwing their backsides on it, I'd almost forgotten. I tell you the brain never stops working around here.

  4. A nude Jahteh at her pc. Hope she has trimmed any excessive hair growth. Brother friends fixed their dial up problems the same way. A phone line strung across the lounge to the kitchen phone plug.

  5. Andrew, I'll have you know I don't have excessive hair growth, I think the expanding girth just moved the follicles further apart.

    I am trying a another way now. I have the phone line from the computer plugged into the point in the lounge and so far so good. If this works then it was the old line that was at fault. Now I have to go and put all the speed dial numbers back on the bedroom phone.
    It's all go around here.

  6. That's it now Witchy...I've got this mental image of you sitting in the library completely in the buff. I'm going to have weird and exotic dreams tonight, I can tell you.

  7. Between my Freudian chimney shots and your nude blogging I think Brian will be over-dosing on bacon buttys in the near future LOL.
    Glad to hear something's working out with your line :)

  8. "I'm going to have weird and exotic dreams tonight, I can tell you."

    Involving custard, francis bacon butties, Witchy, Edwina Currie, Sarah Palin, Jeremy Thorpe, Carol, Setev and Robyn ... OMG! I think I've just had a stroke!

    (Well, maybe a bit of low level frottage at best.)

  9. I like to blog in the nude. Picture that everytime you log on.

    I'll never think of you in the same way again JT...

    W/V "refaces" which is kind of appropriate...

    (thought of doing a course and being an IT support person? You know you rock, don't you?)

  10. "OMG! I think I've just had a stroke!"

    More than I've had then Sedgers. I woke up before I could get my gloves off.

  11. It's a funny thing Fleetwood, but I had strange and exotic dreams on Wednesday night but I put it down to watching the 8 years of the X-Files I have on video tape. Some of those episodes should not be watched late at night especially when thinking of Fleetwood.

    Jayne, something in the mail for you. I tell you nothing is working for me this week, Full moon and Friday 13th AND mother.

    Sedgwick, you're going to hell, you know that don't you.

    Helen, between mother and the IT problems, I should be taking a course on being a Hermit and how to make a cave a home.

    Fleetwood, dear, google Vampire gloves, it'll give you a thrilling tingle.

  12. I hate this bloody techno stuff its so time and energy consuming...you have my sympathy.

  13. Therese, I love watching tv shows that have techno geeks that do marvellous stuff with computers and I can barely turn mine on.
