Saturday, September 26, 2009


Just one more from dear Bruno. I am such a sucker for shoes with bows and this is the bow of bows. If only he would make me a pair with Louis IV heels, I'm getting vertigo just looking at the height of this ankle cracker.


  1. Nope, don't like this one, especially the bow. It hangs over too far and I'd be forever treading on it and tripping myself up.

  2. What bizarre creatures women be to torture their feet in implements like these.

    Poor things.

  3. Crikey!

    ....I will admit to buying a pair of patent black slingbacks with very HIGH heels to wear to Oaks Day (my first invite there ever). I have tried walking in them once and look like a drunk flamingo as I nervously and painfully minced from one side of my hallway to the other.

    They look friggin' good though.

  4. River, I would straighten it up a bit and you wouldn't trip over it, you're not supposed to walk in these. They're for sitting in the front row of fashion parades.

    Robbert, we are insane at times but age gives us wisdom and fear of heights.

    Kath, I don't know how they walk but I did read one model who said the girls on the runway don't smile like they used to because they're so busy trying not to fall over. Just to be more ridiculous are the gladiator sandal stillito where the feet and legs are strapped into cages, monstrous.

  5. I know you Fleetwood, you're not talking shoes, are you?

  6. They would trainwreck me! I can just visualise it, oh no thanks.
