Wednesday, October 27, 2010

At long last, the first part

I have my ticket, my precious ticket.


  1. Ahhh! My preciousssssss!
    Guard it with your life.
    I'm looking forward to seeing this but I'm waiting for the DVD to add to my collection. Then when the final one comes out too, I can have a whole weekend Harry Potter Fest. You're invited.
    BYO slippers, I'll provide the vanilla slices.

  2. River, how many times have I told you, you must see it on the big screen for the first time. It's just too brilliant for a small screen. We then have to wait until July for the very last, DH part 2.

  3. Great, now I've got a craving for Vanilla Slices...

    If it it's not one taste treat it's another...

  4. Hmmmm....vanilla slices.
    I must pop up to Dunolly soon...

  5. Prickly Pear Sonata this morning, my own composition. Background for my entry to Centerlink, a great cinematic moment.

    Big screen of course.

  6. We three'll see it on the big screen. Not in the first crazy couple of weeks when the likes of yourself and other crazy fans are then, but in week three say, when we don't have to sit in the front row with aching eyes and cricked necks.

  7. Kath, the best time to see it is with crazy fans like us. We'll be so caught up in the film that there'll be no talking or faffing about with popcorn and crackly wrappers.

    Robbert, you may dedicate your 'Prickly Pear' sonata to me as that is my mood now and for some time.

    Jayne, it's getting harder to avoid the yum cakes at Southland. Every nosh bar has its own speciality but I draw the line at Creepsy Creme donuts, godawful rubbish.

    Miles, do they have vanilla slices in Tassie? I had to stop reading the restaurant reviews of Hobart, it was killing me. I could almost taste the food, delicious. It's a good thing we don't have scratch and sniff blogs and didn't that bring up some ghastly images. I'm talking to you Chokett Lockett.

  8. Well the staple of our fundraising drives are Freddo Frogs and Lamingtons

    But Vanilla Slices get a great run too....

    Our food is good, our pub bands not so good...

  9. JahTeh; I can't afford the big screen at the moment, my work hours are limited because of my shoulder, so funds are a bit short. Tell you what, when I get the DVD, I'll sit right up close to the screen so it'll look big. Okay? Plus, I won't miss any because I can pause it when I need a toilet break.

  10. oh Coppy, never mind Tasmanian vanillas Slices, they have the BANJO's chain of bakery cafes with the Blueberry & Custard filled MUFFINS. I ate my way from the Devonport outlet, via the Ross outlet down to Hobart's. Then I went to their Head Office for the franchise information. Only the frightening cost calmed me down.

    Wishing you a magical time at the movie.

  11. Damn you to Heck, Miles. I could kill for a lamington, jam and cream in the middle, lots of chocolate icing, not too much of the coconut.

    River, you will so regret this but save up for the second part which has the big battle scene, next July.

    O'Dyne, you are killing me, blueberry and custard filled muffins, oh joy.
