Thursday, August 02, 2012

I didn't buy it.

Mum had a friend buy it for me and it was delicious and I only had one slice, large.  The rest we gave to our favourite nurses for their evening cuppa.
My granddaughters rang for my birthday, lovely surprise.  Both are doing well and making their own way in life. Their mother is in Botswana, with a church group, building houses for the poor.  Considering the way in which she brought up her own girls, she's racking up Karma big time.
Not a groat left in their Trust Fund, money that should have lasted until they were at least 20.  Not after she picked it clean.  Eldest granddaughter using information I gave her, checked with the Trust and found out the whole deal.  Mother dearest might have provided receipts and invoices for items bought but nothing stopped her from selling them on and keeping the cash for herself.  She even did this with the house the Judge demanded she buy for the children.  His mistake was not putting in writing that the house was to belong to the girls or if sold, the money should be returned to the trust or another house bought. She sold the house exactly 12 months later to avoid paying tax on the sale and pocketed the loot.  I have never forgiven her for that on a long list of 'not forgivens'.
I cost me a fortune to make a will tying up this house and money so that she could never get her hands on it and it went to the girls.  Even then they weren't to have it until they turned 25 but it looks like I will get to see them reach that age, terrific.
I am always polite to the bitch when I meet her, secret knowledge makes me serene and she will never accumulate enough Karma to undo the damage she's done to every person who ever crossed her path.
Just thinking about it upsets me and I wish I still had that cake.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What's the matter with you: why be polite to her for goodness sake! It's doing you no good mentally, and putting her in control.

  3. RH. is right. Just the same, I do understand. There are times when I keep quiet in the sure and certain knowledge that if I started I would never stop and would be in danger of drowning in my own bile.
    I hope your piece of that cake was verylarge indeed.

  4. It's a gorgeous looking cake, but more importantly, where are the girls living if their house is sold? Do they have somewhere safe and affordable? I have similar "keep quiet" strategies about the woman who is raising my two youngest grandchildren. They are 12 and 8 so I need to keep my thoughts to myself lest she harm them to punish me somehow.

  5. Your piece of cake was large alright, you cut a slice and ate the rest.

  6. Robbert, it was and still is, a time to keep my secrets because she's always afraid that I will tell the girls exactly what she did. And when they ask questions I do tell the truth and being smart little cookies they've already worked out what their mother is.

    EC, I kept a written record of everything I ever sent the girls so she couldn't say I forgot them. She had to leave Victoria because of some very dangerous characters she missed going for a civil case on my son's death and missed out on a cool 25,000 and in l995 that was a lot of money.

    River, the girls were dragged all over the place as she went from one bloke to another but now the eldest, 20, is on her own and youngest 18 is still at home with stepfather and mother.
    I had to go through the FoI to get a look at the Judge's settlement and it was his fault that she managed to get her hands on so much money.

    RH, I surprised myself by not having another slice but I'll make up for it today.

  7. ah YUM! Just what one needs on a Friday arvo!

  8. Fen, that and another vodka. I have an orange tree outside the back door and I'd forgotten how good vodka and orange could be.

    Rh, I was very good although I did have a pick at the chocolate curls on the top.

  9. Pleased the grand daughters were in touch and very pleased you have the Will sorted out...who knows...they might need you more than you know...what poor little lives they may have had...the daughter in law sounds like shit

  10. Do you want me to fix he but good or let her have her own karmic apocryphal ending... yet maybe that would be better...Don't worry you might be amazed at what those lovely girls come to be to you and you to them as time passes...they sound like they have had a rude awakening
