Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Meme, part three

Mother asked me today if I was going to have Christmas dinner with her.  Oh crap, it's that close to bloody Christmas.  I feel like opening a vein.

Now on to the meme.
Question 3.  Name your favourite femme fatale.

There wasn't a question about a favourite villain so I'm going with Glen Close as Cruella DeVille.
101 Dalmatians and 102 Dalmatians, she owned those two films.  Manic and comic, nobody else could have been better.  She didn't even have to open her mouth to make me laugh, the face was enough.
The bunny boiler was good but the puppy stealer was better.
If I'm lucky I can string this meme out until Christmas.
October, Halloween, I haven't made a costume.  Anyone got any dalmatians for sale?


  1. I'm having Christmas dinner with mother I've already tried out my party hat, Maid River is my favourite femme fatale she's fataled two husbands already.

  2. @R.H. not fataled, just archived.

    I can't think of a single femme fatale. My mind is now filled with thoughts of how close Christmas is.
    I think we should only have Christmas every two years.

  3. Yes well you've got them parked upright in a closet. One day they'll leap out and chase you around the coffee table.

    But hey, why not go for the hat trick anyway? Might as well.

  4. My mother, Robbert? If it's a tin foil hat you'll be right at home with the oldies.

    River, "archived" means you've kept memories, press delete in case Robbert's right.
    I've been thinking about 'femme fatale' and Marlene Deitrich in Shanghai Express comes to mind.

  5. That woman in The Postman Always Rings Twice. I don't know the name. Lana Turner had the original role, Jessica Lange had it in the remake. All good looking women are femmes fatale when you think about it, they get you behaving ridiculous, I've known lots.

  6. Rh, hated the remake, sex on the kitchen table, how uncomfortable. Barbara Stanwyk in 'Double Indemnity'.

  7. William Hurt in 'Body Heat'. A good movie.
    I grew up reading crime books, the heroes were often private detectives narrating the story, the women were extraordinarily beautiful and very often did a fatal job on the heroes; good men gone bad. It was like Greek Tragedy.
    There's a good movie on tomorrow morning: Champion (1949) Kirk Douglas. It on the ABC at 1:15. Might be a bit late for you. I think it's about boxing, but goes further than that. Kirk made another movie around the same time, "Paths of Glory", also considered a classic by enthusiasts. He didn't do much after that, poor chap, the rest were bombs, although "Town Without Pity" wasn't bad.

  8. I have kept memories and photos too.
    I'm also friends with both of them, although we don't see each other much, we do keep in touch just now and again.

  9. Hi. Hello you dirty dogs, you filthy swine, I hate you.


    Only joking, that's an old comment, a reprise, they stay in my head. It was always a joke anyway. Tickled the ivories this evening, broken down piano, played 'Requiem for a Concrete Sheep', my own composition, just for you. Then I played: 'Roll Out The Barrel' for mother in her retirement home. Well I do my best. I've just walked the dogs around the block and oh golly there was a Peepimg Tom opportunity and I passed it up. It's troubling, makes you think: is my enthusiasm as a pervert gone, or have I become a decent citizen? I hope it's neither.

    Dept of Concrete Garden Animals. Monash.

  10. I've written Peepimg instead of Peeping. Well I'm nervous, worried, my belief about peeping is you never stop. It's like voting for the Greens, a Pavlovian response.

  11. Hi. Big woman is in Paris, checking out the Eiffel Tower, she has a new lover, Monsieur Frog. As for myself, I am wildly passionate, planning to hurl myself at the feet of Maid River to become her THIRD HUSBAND. Yes I am mad. Certifiable.

    Dept of Multiple Disconnect. La Trobe.

  12. Arse licker Turnbull wants to be prime minister.

    He's a weasal. A snake. A rat.

    You'll find out.

  13. Requiem for a concrete sheep, love it but really for Turnbull, requiem for a Weasel has a nice ring to it.

    And Paris, I'd have to ship myself home by cargo boat, all that french pastry, divine.

  14. River, you're good. I haven't seen mine since 2006 and my divorce anniversary is nearly here. I must put some booze on ice.
