Monday, February 25, 2013

Full moon's on the way.

Cute isn't it?
It's called the southern grasshopper mouse. It lives in the badlands of south-western U.S. and Mexico.
It's carnivorous, fresh meat on the menu from crickets, rodents, tarantulas to scorpions and other grasshopper mice if food is a bit scarce.
And after a feast there's nothing better than throwing back one's head and howling at the moon.
Standing there like that, with open mouth, I could almost imagine it on X Factor.
I'd watch that especially after it finished with the judges.


  1. Such a cute little mouse, but I'm glad he doesn't live in my house. Carnivorous little bugger might start on my toes.

  2. "looooooove is a many splendoured thing.....!"

  3. River, I couldn't upload the video with it howling at the moon but it gave me a laugh.

    Kath, I will never get that image out of my mind now. I can see it at LOLcats with a photoshopped tuxedo.

    EC, hear me roar is right. Scorpion stings don't bother it, they just bash it until its dead then eat the head.

  4. Macfarlanes lantern brings out the loonies.
