Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'll be looking for servants and a lawnmower.

 My new holiday home, by the sea, on a cliff (not to close). I love everything about it from the round balcony to the square 'Widow's Walk' on the roof.

And why I won't be going there by motorbike.  I'll be using the Rolls instead.


  1. Oooh. And aaah. That is a spectacular home. You may find that visitors never want to leave.
    And my days on a bike have gone. I enjoyed it at the time, but that was quite some time ago...

  2. LOVE the house! I haven't been on a bike in 40 years. I miss it, but won't be buying one again.

  3. oh hilarious, you're a star.

    That house is just lovely and any owner would have to be viciously exploiting the working classes in order to afford the annual $50,000 cost of repainting the damage by sea air. Sadly, we all know it has neighbours the same on every industry-free coastline.
    Dream on though, as we all do. My dream is a cave. With my own big cats. BIG cats.
    X X

  4. I already live in a cottage by the sea. I'm just waiting for the tide to wash away the rest of Fleetwood, then it'd be perfect.

  5. I like it. Never mind a lawn mower, get some sheep.

  6. EC, plenty of room for that gorgeous garden of yours, those bulbs are a joy. I can see me sitting in that round shady verandah with several books to hand.

    River, you rode a motor bike? Is there a secret bikie past we know nothing about?

    Annie O, I'd be very generous to my wage earners and no painting, I would let it weather to a gentile down at heel pile.
    No cave for me, dark, spooky, no indoor plumbing.

    MiLord after that last poem of yours, it looks like it won't be long. You would be lonely without the Fleetwood tarts and touts.

    Andrew, sheep are so last century, it's all the go for Alpacas now. Of course we'd have to watch for O'Dyne's damn big cats.

  7. Elephant's Child, Annie O and Andrew, I'm not ignoring your blogs, I still can't comment there. If you look at the commenting IDs, there's no blogger and I've tried anonymous. I think I'll get a wordpress ID and use that.

  8. I don't feel neglected at all. I am sorry that it won't let you play though. Will it let you comment using a google account?

  9. Well, that's the point EC, what is a google account? I've got email and I've got blogger but my browser is not google chrome.

  10. I don't use google chrome either. I tick the google account box and it signs me in using my blogger password.

  11. Tick the google account box as EC said, it's what I do and I sign in as River. I don't have google chrome either, tried it and hated it.

    I believe I mentioned the bike somewhere on the blog and even posted a googled photo of the green scooter I used to have. Sometimes I wish....

  12. are you logged into your copperwitch blog when you try to comment?

    I just came over to say there is a collapsible gold crown alert for Melb Museum via Cat Politics blogger.

  13. I bak to sa blog has chang from 'Anybodee' can haz commenz to 'people logged into their Google blogspot' can commenz. rotsa ruck.

    If I don't hear from you I shal sen lawyers gunz n money.

  14. Hey, Tony Abbot has a direct line to God. Ya got a problem - no problem god, somehow, miraculously - solves things.

    mm. Just thought t let ya know that yep - remain alive and in good health (according to a heap of tests).

    So, should i, am i allowed to be here? At this point in history - am not allowed - nor a capable - of being part of
    "two possums scrabbling " in the roof of the pub.

    Meh - such is survival.

  15. River, you must publish another photo and you're not too old to buy another one.
    Think how you wouldn't miss waiting at the bus and train stations but then think of the cars that would use you as target practice.

    Annie O, I spent two days getting a wordpress ID and password and still couldn't log in. As I am now logged in to my google account I will try again to comment.
    Gold Crown? Zooom.

  16. Morphing from Wombat to Kooka had me going but yes, still welcome to comment.
    If you can blog, you're alive and well.
    I am disgusted with all Parliamentarians, only out for themselves. If Labor dump Julia now, I would never vote for them again. Now if only a drover's dog or even better a drover's cat were running, I'd know where my vote was going and they'd run the country better than the drover's rats are doing now.

  17. I hereby tender my application for position as servant. But I don't do windows.

  18. I'll see if I can find the motorbike photo.
