Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Still angsty, more penguins needed

Smiling now. I just love the penguins of Madagascar but don't the mob above them look as tough as.


  1. I'm taking you to live in an igloo.

    The penguins will sway when we dance the Watusi.

  2. The third photo looks very vaudeville.

  3. the third photo penguins look like tough bogan penguins Andrew. They gonna give us happy feet alright - on the end of a boot.
    Angst can be relieved dear Cops - just put 'bracelets' into the searchbox at Pinterest, or 'baby sloths'

  4. EC, even better penguins wearing jewellery.

    River, loved the penguins and will post my favourite.

    RH, do you know how fragile the ice shelf is? My Watusi could fracture the lot.

    Andrew, I should have put in a fairy penguin just for you.

    Annie O, I hated Happy Feet. Poor bloody penguin dragged away on a ship, lost, getting back home, men with guns, bloody not happy.

  5. Thank you - I hate Happy Feet too. Rather a lot.

  6. sorry everyone - since Bambi in 1956 gave me hysterics (and never mention Ol' Yeller) I avoid anything where animals have a bad time and so I have not seen the film, but I am aware that the subtext is about the harrassment of anyone 'different' from the mob.
    Going away now to put 'Penguins' in the searchbox at my Pinterest.

  7. ... and salad penguins out of hardboiled egg with halved black olives on. pen guins is a funny word too
    X X
