Sunday, February 02, 2014

Just a little hate in the heat

There is no way to say anything pleasant about this vile Federal government we have been landed with.
In one breath they rant on about dole bludgers and in the next they are putting thousands of workers on the scrap heap.
They are dumping tonnes of crap on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park for a harbour to take ships big enough to haul off the coal which they say is not causing "What Climate Change".
Now they are trying to get World Heritage listing of forests in Tasmania changed so they can let the loggers back in. But it's okay they're giving Cadbury's 16 million bucks to boost tourism so Tassie won't lose out.
And the State governments aren't much better.  Shark culling, really brilliant. So far only small and may I say, not to bright, sharks have been caught and released. The sharks they have shot, they've taken out to sea and dumped. Oh, come on down, really big sharks and take the bait.
Our ABC, the one we pay for is coming in for a belting for being biased in their reporting of what this government is doing. I can't see how they can say that when they bloody well won't tell the people anything about anything they are doing. We can't even call ourselves mushrooms since they won't even feed us bullshit. 
Okay so by-election coming up in Kevvie's seat of Griffiths (see that Julie Bishop, even I can get it right) and I feel for the Liberal who believes he can just walk off with the prize. People get out there and let Abbott know he'd better start looking at what's under his nose, a great big dislike and it's growing.


  1. We have elections coming up here too, in March, haven't a clue who to vote for, may just draw a smiley face on the paper, more likely a big frown face.

  2. Bad River, you must not throw away a vote. Look at what people are going through in Thailand to get to vote. We have elections in Victoria this year and I'll be looking at the independent candidates very carefully to make sure I know where their preferences are going. Far too many twits got in at the Federal level with preference deals.

  3. Heh. I'll put some thought into it.
    Maybe two frowny faces......

  4. River, take a good look and see if there's a drover's dog running, he'd be a good bet.
