Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If you...

...didn't laugh out loud at this, then you're in serious need of therapy.  I'm still laughing and I think I'll have to put it on the fridge door for the morning blues.


  1. I laughed, but not out loud. My furry streak of lightning has just fallen asleep on the couch and I'd like him to stay that way for at least as long as I'm on the computer. little bugger keeps wanting to walk on the keyboard.

  2. River, I'm still getting a laugh out of this and I'm taking to the Home tomorrow. There are a few left who'll get a laugh as well.

  3. I was looking to click on the Like heart ... and River, why oh why do cats cross keyboards? and back again. I block myself in with the printer and books and still Kitty leaps onto the damn keys. x x

  4. Annie O, mine considers computer time as his chair time on my chair.
    What did we do before Pinning? I consider it a merely blog fodder not an addiction.

  5. on pintrest ( Hedgemania) there is a series of those drawn mouths on Hedgehogs.
    I think it is terrible that they are sold in petshops though.

  6. Annie, I think any animal sold in petshops is terrible except the one in Mentone who houses rescue cats. She keeps them in the window with climbing trees and takes them home every night. You don't get to adopt one without going through a monster list of questions and a personality compatibility visit in the shop. One wall is covered with adoption success stories.
    But fancy selling little hedgehogs!
