Tuesday, September 08, 2015

I'll be back

Goodbye Windows 10.

Hello Windows 8.1 - again.

I'm sorry I abused you so often and wished you were XP (I still do).


  1. I'd heard windows 10 was a trouble maker and emailed several people who were thinking of switching to it. I thought I'd emailed you too. Sorry if I missed you. I miss XP too. I loved the 3D pipes screen saver. I'm used to 7 now though.

  2. I haven't made the switch yet. And may never do it.

  3. Oh, thanks for the advice. I had so forgotten about the 3D pipes that River mentioned. I used to like watching the defrag process. Windows 95 was even better.

  4. Andrew has reminded me it was windows 98 that had the best 3D pipes, every now and then one of the joints would be a teapot or cup or something.

  5. River, I would say it's great for anyone with a family, hub, iphone, ipad, tablet, laptop etc but not just for me with a desktop and pre-paid broadband. There are so many things connected with it that I didn't need and it used up my internet quickly.
    Andrew, it probably would be okay for you with your integrated system and it was no trouble to download.
    EC, the inner works were completely beyond me and at one stage I ended up with a purple page and yellow writing. It wouldn't use the screen themes of 8.1 and getting the screen saver up and running needed more IT know how than I had.

  6. I haven't switched because I have heard bad things about 10.

  7. It has numerous internal bugs etc which corrupt the system, Microsoft knew this when they released it and are working on removing the bugs, but it's still a bad idea to install it. I think they should have worked harder to make sure it was safe before releasing it.

  8. KB, I'm just a little behind the updates, XP was perfect for me. It says a lot when they went from 8 to 8.1, missed 9 and went straight to 10.

    River, nothing is safe with any system now because it's all connected. Who wants to turn on the heater etc with an iPhone on the way home from wherever. My connection drops whenever the 6 or so neighbours all turn on their WiFi at the same time. My budget runs to pre-paid everything.

  9. I was happy with windows 95 with USB support! I am still using Vista! I like your blog!
