Thursday, December 24, 2015

I may need an intervention

I'm like Pavlov's dog except it's Potter's dog.  Every time Potter ranges into view, I'm compelled to press go and read the latest.  So in case you need a sob or two today in the Christmas madness, I give you these.

 I love taking those online quizzes and I invariably come up as Luna and place of residence is Hogwarts.

I can't argue with a Patronus, at least it wasn't a box of chocolates. 

Now you have to have a tiny tear by this stage and last night when I found this, big tears.  I always get very snivelly around Christmas.  I think it's having to bypass the booze, chocolates, puddings, cakes and Pavlovas.  I really miss the pavs and it's no good saying just a small slice, that has never been in my vocabulary.  Dear lord, what on earth constitutes a small slice unless that's the bit I leave for others to fight over.  I'd love to see Luna wielding her wand over a Pavlova, pink with a Unicorn holding a strawberry in a field of marshmallow and cream.  I must get my fingers off the keyboard and my mind off Potter.

Yes, if my hand is full of wand and the other hand is full of food, I'm very calm.


  1. You won't get an intervention from me. I need one too.
    And my eyes leaked a bit, and my Patronus is certainly a bookworm.

  2. What's with all these postings? You're gonna overtake Maid River. ha ha. Well that gal will never slow down, flattened two husbands already.

    Well may I say...Merry Christmas to all my sweetiepies, RH is sharing this life with you.

    Christmas is eating what you like.

  3. EC, if I remember right, you have to think of the happiest moment to do a full Patronus so you realize mine could have been a flying Pavlova riding on a tub of raspberry ice-cream.

    Robbert, this time last year I was almost drowning in depression and it comes back and goes again. People who have not helped have been trampled by Karma, I knew I'd only have to wait and watch. Revenge is best when you don't do it yourself but watch as they run flat-faced straight into it.
    You might even hear me sing Christmas Carols tonight.

  4. Darn it all. You had to mention pavlova.
    Now I want one.
    The shops have them and they are closed until Sunday.

  5. oh Luna lunus loopiness, The Christmas Full Moon took its full effect on me.
    Lunch + heat = sleep.
    I hope your C.D. is as good as. x x Annie

  6. River, I always prefer my Christmas pudding for breakfast and Pavlova for lunch.

    Annie O, Christmas Day was fine but Ma's roomie died in the night, great Boxing Day present.

  7. Merry Xmas Witchy and Annie O! Belatedly of course.

  8. Thanks Helen, and now for the great waste of money New Year fireworks and piss up party. I'm very Grinchy at New Year.
