Sunday, January 29, 2017

$29 phone working.

$29 and pre-paid $30 credit and mother is back in business. Press the green to say Hello, press the red to close and she hasn't figured out how to get me in contacts yet.  A win all round so far.  Still on oxygen and Ventolin and feeling very sick this morning.  If I run into the twat that says she doesn't need so much oxygen, he won't be needing any.  She is failing, she might have one more Nellie Melba in her but it's not a done deal.  Doc Marvin has been in two days in a row, he usually says he'll see her Wednesday but yesterday it was call if you need me.

It was 3 a.m. before I finally fell asleep last night and very worrying to wake up to find the cat asleep with me with his paw on my arm.  He only ever does that when I'm not well and it's always the can opening arm his paw embraces.  His eyes are so expressive, "please don't get up until you feel right. You might fall and I won't get fed".  Far too much stress last week I think.  He did have a nasty turn when lazing under the tree on Thursday, he copped an apple on his head dropped by the biggest parrot I've ever seen.  Not the Rosella with the blue and red but a huge green and red bird.  I love that tree, parrot in the top branches with the apples, little birds on the ground picking up the leftovers and at night, the possums have the lot.  Did I tell you they love avocados?  We have such fantastic avo's in Australia even though I really can't stand them no matter how good they are supposed to be for fat people, that I was furious to find Woolies had them on special from New Zealand.  Using a female piece of logic which can never be explained, I bought 3 and put them out for the possums.  Next day only a round bit of skin was left and that was because I'd forgotten to take the label off.

I really wasn't going to go into any politics this year because they are all such (love you Keating) swill but the Grand Poobah of Swill in America is something that can't be shrugged off.  Have you noticed his signature?  Poor John Hancock would likely swoon into a full faint at the sight of it.
It's not writing, it looks like the spectroscopic analysis of a serial killer.  Everything he has signed is by Executive Order and look how many EOs of Obama he has overturned so if his is overturned he can say, it wasn't his fault, it was them, all of them, whoever them is. He can stand there shining and blameless.

Hanson's in trouble with her blokes.....again.  Malware briefly hit the news then returned to his burrow.  Nowt from the Mad Monk, extremely strange.  Shorten, I swear if you wear another fluoro vest I'll spray paint you.  You don't look like a worker anymore so try for the Statesman gig and smile, ever so slightly. Every time I see you, you look like the prophet of doom, worse than Morrison.
And I never thought I'd miss the dribblings of Chrissie Pyne,  where is the little twerp?  I'm only going on like this because it's tennis, it's cricket and ready to scream into Melbourne, the Grand Prix.

I need a small holiday. Cameraface, would you mind if I ran off with R for a few days?  Of course you'll have to take over the Mothering duties but man up, you can do it. 


  1. Rottten blogger. I am so over proving I am not a robot. And because I didn't do so, when I tried again it told me 'bad request'.
    I suspect you need a BIG holiday. A very big holiday.
    You are, of course, right about the political swill. Though I am quite grateful not to have seen Pyne (or Dutton) recently. And very grateful that the love child of an orangutan and a cabbage patch doll doesn't head our county.

  2. El Chi, I'd totally forgotten Pudding head Dutton now I'll have to go and wash out my brain.
    I suspect than when Malware visits WeirdHair he will give them our poor refugees in exchange for making half of Australia an American base, I mean Pine Gap is so last century.

  3. I do wonder just how much Malfunction agreed to before Trump agreed to take our asylum seekers... Half of Oz, or perhaps just our support in their China challenge.

  4. Chrissie close to the mark. Can you explain to me pre paid mobile phones? I want to do that but I don't understand it, apart from the obvious, you pay in advance. If you can convince R to cook me some meals in advance and make sure my ironing is up to date, you are most welcome to take him off cavorting. Oh yes, just send Mother a post card. That will do and won't have to visit her.

  5. El Chi, listening to the late news last night, yes they will honour the deal but it could be years before the poor refugees are allowed in and theses are genuine refugees. The mind boggles.

    Oh Andrew, I'm so overwhelmed, the font of all tech wisdom wants me to explain a phone, my heart is beating. You just buy the phone and sim card, get on to the Optusnet site, and follow the directions on the pre-paid docket, plenty of options and call 555 for balance and turn off the internet on the phone which I've done. Mum's phone for $29 is smallish but numbers are easy to see. Dumb me,always running down to the Home and stopping at Coles to get a pre-paid docket until I remembered both phones are in my name and I could do it on the internet. I pre-pay the internet as well. Who would have thought the Spendthrift Queen would actually stick to a budget for all these things

  6. Sorry to hear Mother isn't well, but you'll inherit a working phone....
    @ Andrew, follow JahTeh's instructions and you'll be fine. Pre paid is a good way to manage, I did that with my old flip phone and got to the point where I could text my kids all day and half the night if I wanted because I'd paid enough credit to last for ages. Texting is much cheaper than calling, but sending texts with photos is more costly.
    I'm avoiding all politics right now.

  7. Half of OZ to become American? Wash your mouth out!

  8. Well, I have the phone and SIM card, so I pay over the counter at the supermarket and receive a docket. And I keep my number. That sounds easy enough.
