Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mercury retrograde and I stop spending. Will the economy survive?

I remember looking at these about 4 years ago and filed a few photos away for all those odd brooches this house floats on.  Now they are all the rage either mounted on polystrene balls or special wire holders.
 It's why I've been trawling through ebay looking at the goodies on offer and looking at the quality and low prices.  Four years ago cheap meant cheap but now it's quite different.
I have that large bow and paid quite a bit for it about 8 years ago but worth it.  Of course one needs a large verandah for support so it's definitely a winter dress brooch.  It looks fantastic on anything I wear but everything looks fabulous on me. I was always dressed up when I visited Mother at the Home but these days, 10 years on I'm lucky to remember my knickers.
 My credit card is cringing as I work out how many of these brooches I have stored away in glass cases. I can see three of these on this wedding bouquet.
I wish I had had something like this at my wedding preferably loaded with a brick which I'd have used on the Bridal party to bring them into line.
 See those two pearlescent flowers in the front, $1 each and my mother wouldn't give them away, she wears them both.  Like all craft, it looks easy to make but takes patience and swearing but at least they don't droop in hot weather and would make a nice heirloom.
My favourite and I would love to make it now as a wall hanging.  It would be okay since fatso cat never raises a paw more than an inch from the ground.
My wish lists are full until Mercury behaves itself.  Before I start on anything like this, there is still an enormous Christmas tree to be assembled out of the ?????? Christmas brooches I have waiting.  That would have been done if the Nephew had sawn a straight line instead of being 2mm out on one corner.  

Boo to Malcolm the Miserable for the GST he's planning to put on overseas buying from ebay.


  1. Beautiful things.
    There is a Cartier exhibition about to start at the National Gallery. I will take lots of photos for you - and wish that I could nick selected pieces.

  2. El Chi, you'll find that they probably won't let you take photos because they'll want you to buy the expensive catalogue. I was going to get you to buy it for me but I already have most of the gems from two huge Cartier books so it's double dipping.
    Those cunning Chinese have made very good copies and can be found on ebay.
    Christmas is still on its way, I'm getting there.

  3. I hope they will let us take photos - but will see. And Christmas is months away. Concentrate on getting better before you think of anything else. Let me know if you change your mind and would like the catalogue.

  4. Window shopping is all well and good but think of the cricket!
    No, seriously, gorgeous bridal floral thingies, no one would ever suspect a brick inside one....imagine tossing the bouquet...there would be more-than-usual over-arm bowling towards an intended target, who would be on a very sticky wicket.

  5. I had heard about your large bow, but I never spread the knowledge around to anyone. I haven't thought to much about the Malcolm the Miserable's $5 tax, but I was not instantly against it. It seems harsh on something you order for a few dollars from overseas, but if what you order is only a few dollars, maybe it is better to buy it here, if it is available, and that is often not.

  6. They're so beautiful, I love them all. The black/white/grey one with the draped pearls would look fabulous in an glitzy art deco setting, as a wall hanging of course. It would also look really good in my neighbour's apartment that I wrote about a few years ago, she has it decorated in black and silver with shades of cream/beige/yellow.

  7. but wait HighRiser the 15% is not all, you also get a $15 AustraliaPost fine oops levy because they can't be arsed delivering stuff from overseas

    Coppy darling those brooch bouquets must be very heavy, like those hemispheres of tightly packed rosebud ones I loathe. and 2, in my life Mercury is permanently retrograde so I'd never get any purchasing done if I took notice

    Darling El Chi I hope you enjoy your gallery visit. apparently the Dame Nellie Melba collection of Cartiers is on display.

  8. El Chi, I have the first big book on Cartier and I'm not a real fan of their jewellery. I do love Bucellati jewellery, so delicate even on me.

    Jayne, disgraceful little snots. Too much money and betting in sports today is ruining everything, of course it's a great way to launder dirty money. Everybody carries on about the pokies but how many ads on tv do you see for pokies but online betting is every few minutes.

    Andrew, my daily jaunt through ebay is the delight of my life because I don't have to buy anything to enjoy it. Sneaky Oz buyers put the same items up for sale and add $$$ to the price after buying cheap.

    River, anything with drapped pearls is divine if we don't count Andrew in full regalia.

    Annie, not heavy being on a base of styrofoam. Fashion is never heavy, remember us freezing to death in six inch skirts because it was fashion. Although I was happy to get rid of spike heels, what hell.

    Now sorry I've taken so long to answer but my sister has fucked up my life again and I'm still recovering. Very strong antibiotics puts blood glucose levels up but I didn't know how much they'd drop as from 23 to 5.6 overnight and only because I was running around for La Bitch because she's going to QLD on Monday instead of May. I am hoping for a monunmental cyclone to welcome her. Unfortunately she'll be back before she leaves for good. Rant over.

  9. OOOOhhh, you said fuck, does that mean you're a standup comic? The only standups I do are when I'm in a hurry.

    How's that.

    From what I've heard about hubby maybe you should have married a brick.

