Saturday, November 30, 2019

Countdown to the Christmas Hysteria.

Now this is what I call a brilliant idea for a Christmas Tree.  I have everything needed to make it although the hearts are red and not pink but with the right gold ribbon it would be gorgeous. No need to worry about the cat, he wouldn't even notice, high enough and he'd walk under it, wrong height and he'd just walk through it. I'd love it in the corner of my bedroom if I ever get that room under control.  I swear if I took everything off the dressing table the rubbish and jewellery would cover the bed. I know, I've done it in the past.

Now for something completely insane.  I have a habit of snoozing in the chair and when I wake up I'm usually a bit dopey but if I looked down and saw these on my fat feet I'd wonder if I was still asleep. They're crazy because they look so real. Lord knows what the Bear would make of them, he's twitchy enough as it is.

This is not insane, it's just insanely cute. A twig tree full of Christmas frogs, joy.  I have the twigs, had them for about 5 years but I just haven't gotten around to making it all up.
And you can't say I haven't enough glitter frogs.

Read an article about people buying too many clothes and throwing them away to buy more. All this American Black Friday sales rubbish. Putting photographs away (almost done) and some of my dresses are 30 years old, last century ffs.  So how come they still fit when my new scales have shown my new weight. It's the legs, they're like tree trunks and if I could weigh them without the rest of the body I'd be half the size I am.  So glad I didn't buy the scales that actually tell you in a loud voice how much fat you've got and how much since the last weigh in, bloody nervous breakdown time that would be. But the dresses still fit.  It seems my mind was far ahead of JK Rowling and I've sewn an undetectable extension charm into all my seems, only explanation. Should go now since I've been going to the shower for the last two hours, time flies in a new chair.


  1. I love the animal paw socks and have to get some!
    I'm collecting snow globes now as Christmas decorations, I can place them here and there without Lola noticing, so she isn't likely to play with them. I will put a few glittery things way up high, but nothing at all on the window sill because that's where she snoozes away her days when she isn't snoozing between me and my keyboard.

  2. You have a new chair? I am so pleased.
    I love the ornaments you showed us.
    I suspect there will be no Christmas decorations here. I simply cannot muster the energy.
    The animal paw socks are great. I rarely wear socks though and suspect that territorial Jazz would launch into attack mode. And I would bleed. Again.

  3. Finally your chair is assembled for you neat little bottom to sit upon. Posted by Andrew who had lost weight since retirement and sitting here eating Light and Tangy crisps/chips, washed down by Dan's finest and cheapest this week Black Douglas Scotch.

  4. Delighted you're safely -- and hopefully, comfortably -- settled on the new roost!

    My mum would have loved those animal socks. She, like your own mum, was in a nursing home at the last and loathed the thought her guests were depressed by visits to "a little old lady in a little old wheelchair". So, she enlivened her wardrobe of pastel floral gowns, robes and lap drapes with odd socks. Her favorite pair were tiger stripes with claws.

  5. River, I hope you and Lola are not suffering from the smoke haze. You have to watch putting up tinsel, they can choke on that and chew on polystirene baubles, it's a nightmare.

    El Chi an apology to you. I thought I'd emailed a thank you but I put it in the file where I found it yesterday. If I had those socks that would be covered in white fur and would look totally real.

    Andrew, how dare you lose weight and then boast about pigging out. I bought King Island brie but forgot the biscuits so it's sitting in the fridge taunting me.
    I'm in love with the Japanese beer, ASAHI, low carb and smooth.

    Beth, I'm still finding stuff from my mother and she's been gone nearly a year. The carpet still has stick on beads in hidden corners and I'm forever scraping the damn things off the bottom on my feet.
