Thursday, February 06, 2020

I'll have the best

 The dazzling Swarovski Room on the top level, mine all mine. Sometimes though I have been asked to turn all the lights on if it's too foggy for the local lighthouse. Now that I look at it I could use larger bedside tables, I could barely get a glass and the gin bottle on those. No wonder I keep dropping the glass and here I was thinking that I must make four my limit. I'll call my architect tomorrow.

Now don't worry about shouts for help or the clinking of chains, he calms down after a while.  It's not like I'm asking too much for him to just sit in a chair so I can look at him. Honestly the carry-on when I first bought him up here from the slave market and all he was going to get was a bath and a hair cut.
So absolutely cute sitting with all those rainbow bubbles floating around the bathroom and I did give him plenty of large towells.
I'd take the chains off if he didn't keep trying to run away and I suppose I'll have to let him go eventually. He says my eyes are wearing the skin off him but his sparkle just goes so well with the room.


Elephant's Child said...

I would need dark glasses in that room. And to take them off to admire the eye candy. On/off, on/off...

Beth Waltz said...

Dear JahTeh, is it possible you are channeling Liberace? Good gads, woman, all that's lacking is a white mink floor-length bathrobe strewn over the bench at the foot of the bed! What's needed here are wrap-around sunglasses -- and a Las Vegas hotel concierge resource file that includes exorcists.

Anonymous said...

You have quite good taste in men after all.

JahTeh said...

Beth, he is wearing a white bathrobe, cashmere though, I couldn't bear the thought of little minks being skinned. Once the chandeliers are out, there is just a soft fairy glowing.

El Chi, you have to admire the eye candy in a soft light. I can imagine your black monster cat in the middle of that bed.

Of course Andrew, that's why you're allowed here. Did you eventually find your bedroom? I can give you another in Cartland Pink. I must warn you, there is a bear trap in front of the Penthouse bedroom.

River said...

EC is right, you'd need sunglasses in that room. Well, I would at least. I agree about the bedside tables needing to be bigger and also closer to the bed. You don't want to be falling out of bed each time you reach for book or coffee cup. Or wine glass and box of choccies. Your slave is a cutie.