Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I hope I have posted this without a mistake


  1. I've read about this somewhere a while ago. I'm really glad they are finding ways to discover and treat malaria before it gets a good hold on the communities.

  2. That was fast River. These three scientists are my darlings and I know how hard they've worked. Malaria has been around for thousands of years and probably killed more soldiers in wars than bullets.

  3. How I wish our guvermint respected (and funded) scientists.

  4. El Chi, remember when they first got in they had no Science Minister. The Crime Minister's wine bill for a week would fund a load of research. There are so many science students at Monash because of the Synchrotron, thanks to John Brumby who fought for it but this virus is keeping them out of education. Now Australian students won't be able to afford Uni.
