I was hoping to see some of these gorgeous Rosellas and maybe collect a feather or two.

They fly around these parts, the lovely Dandenong Ranges.

Except when there's cloud. One huge cloud sitting as low down as the road from Ferntree Gully to Olinda to Kalorama.
So I did the only thing possible in the circumstances and headed for the cake and coffee shop.
Non-stop talking with the mountain Bwca and Miss Eagle didn't leave much time for cake but I managed both talk and cake. I can multi-task with the best.
It actually does not look so bad in the picture but I know what the Dandenongs can be like.
I used to love a place called Henry's in the Dandenongs. GIANT scones and PILES of cream. just the thing after a tramp thorough the bush.
Of course I'm sure their fruit platters are very nice too..
That bird picture is a baby Crimson Rosella who is growing out of the green into the red/blue combo.
I can see several of them right now from where I sit.
When the trees have the usual dozen, it looks like Christmas Decorations out there.
The visibility on the road last night in the very dense fog/mist was so poor, even the OTHER drivers were only doing 40 kph.
I kept wondering how anybody new to these hills would find their Friday Night B&B accommodation (every second place is a B&B, but last night they were ALL invisible. totally).
... and forgot to recommend the cosy couches and great service and food, at The House Of Coffee in the 'Fras, where we had such a good time.
Also the antique shop next door has many very cool things (robots, 60's toys, french stuff, divine shoes and coats)including a base drum with The Beatles painted on it which is either an excellent replica or ....
Robots and French stuff. Victoria, the place to be. Maybe there's some truth to it (on a cold, wet Brisbane morning...).
Andrew, I couldn't find a photo that looked like the cloud yesterday. Coming along Stud Rd to Ferntree Gully Rd, we could barely see the Ranges for the low cloud.
Mikhela, I remember Henry's and those scones but if it's still there I wouldn't have seen it yesterday. I loved the fact that they gave each person a huge bowl of cream along with the jam.
Bwca, did you look at the price of those shoes we loved? Champagne tastes on beer money, that's us.
Thanks Phil, I love hearing that Queensland has crappy weather but it's not much better here. Those damn mountains are cold and I hate mournful gumtrees. They snivel and droop in Winter.
Miss Bwca if you're talking about Quink I've stopped commenting there but am still welcome, he's a good bloke who'll print anything. I found him through Miss Pants on your blog, that's all, and was commenting with him before you were. I found Phil from Miss Jahteh's blog who is a decent chap, and also a dame calling itself Mother Dammable who is a fruitcake and has threatened me with the end of the world. I'm only rude when someone's being stupid. I have an artist friend Martin Lawless (real name) living in Upwey and who if you go around there to his little cabin will give you a good reference about me. And you needn't worry, he's a homosexual
Golly Bwca, is that antique shop still there in Sasafracas. Had a nice devonshire tea at a place next door once.
Rh, a boggart is a brownie turned evil and a bwca is a bad tempered brownie. What have you unleashed?
Andrew, there are antique shops both sides of the road but this one shares a doorway with The House of Coffee.
including a base drum with The Beatles painted on it which is either an excellent replica or ...
Verry interesting...
Helen I can see you drooling from here. Repeat after me, it's probably fake.
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