Here is little Noctiluca Scintillans in all its bioluminescent glory and by being bioluminescent it's also know as the Sea Sparkle.
Here's a hunting party of Sea Sparkles and hunt they do. They're dinoflagellates, propelling themselves along by flagella and unlike other Df's they're carnivorous, capturing prey with their long tentacle.
That would make a fantastic wallpaper ...
I had a friend called dinoflagellates but we lost touch.
That Noctiluca isn't methane propelled is it?
"lost touch"
bwah ha ha
Dear Witchy, may the spirit of Crosbie Morrison be with you.
Maria, it's on my desktop as I type, and beautiful to look at.
Andrew, and here's me thinking vanilla through and through.
Methane post coming up (hahaha)and nasty Hydrogen Sulphide gas producers.
I'm still trying to find a Bwcan phytoplankton, you know one who's always at the front of any trouble.
I've awarded myself a PhD.
I thought of adding a BSc but it doesn't interest me.
Science is okay if you want a facelift, or a sex change.
Or a nuclear bomb.
I say all these things but do I mean them. I don't know.
What's life for. I don't know.
A tube baby. An abortion.
A Nagasaki.
Oh my golly. Love is so Luna Park. Up and down.
I'm impressed. Then I'm depressed.
Come let me take you on the Ferris Wheel of love.
ha ha!
I've got fourteen bottles of booze here; rum, whisky, brandy...Tia Maria, Baileys, Frangelico, Midori, and I drink tea.
I'm supposed to go to the market. It's too hot. I've had my car in the street all night, unlocked and with the windows down. No one bothered to steal it.
What an insult.
I'm borrowing a Chrysler, left-hand drive and twenty-two feet long, no bullshit.
I'm taking you for a spin, and don't worry, you're safe on the right.
I've had my phone disconnected by ASIO -after posting a J'Accuse comment on Miss That's So Pants.
Well this is war after all, and what the internet was designed for.
How ironic.
I'm writing a new book: National Portraits.
Be careful, you might get in it.
Hello... Nice blog...
A BSc, Robbert? Why would you want to be a BullShit consultant?
Happy New Year, Bear.
National Portraits is about strange people.
You've just qualified yourself for inclusion, congratulaions.
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