The marked upper right corner (my editing *clap*) is not the lovely green healthy colour but what is erroneously called a "red tide".
The algae blooms produce a toxin that paralyzes fish and crustaceans or turns the water anoxic (low oxygen).
Stay tuned, more to come.
Round here when Plankton turns bad we give it a council house.
I'm anoxic ... and I only have moderate-resolution as well.
oh Hughsie I just know you love those SHAMELESS Gallaghers from Chatsworth House
That would be the Lanky version of thick as two planktons.
Bwca, there's uppercrust gossip you haven't shared with me yet?
We have our own Chatsworth Estate at Rossall...'love' is not the word I'd use to describe the vast majority of the residents there.
We get that red tide up here at POrt Macquarie
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