Friday, September 26, 2008


A very very Happy First Birthday
Miss Charlotte.

Your two Mums have done a
fantastic job of
raising a beautiful child.


Jayne said...

Happy Birthday to Charlotte, she's gorgeous :)

Brian Hughes said...

How unbelievably cute.

River said...

Look at those cute little chipmunk cheeks. nom nom nom........

Kelly & Sam Pilgrim-Byrne said...

Awwww, thanks, JT! What a beautiful surprise to come here and see this...


JahTeh said...

Jayne, she's such a bright kid. I am the proud owner of one of her finger paintings.

Fleetwood, rude finger signs to the "kids must have a mum and a dad" group of nut jobs. She's not frightened of anything, even rides a horse with Mum Kelly. Donor Dad is a fabulous man too.

River, she can nom all right. The girls started giving her a plate of all sorts of vegetables and fruit and just letting her try everything. I wish I'd known about this method instead of having the food battles that went on in my kitchen.

You both deserve congratulations. She's a credit to your mothering.

Anonymous said...

OMG that kid is teh cuteness.

My girlchild bought some killer heels from Savers and strode beside me the other night, half a head taller :-)

Ann ODyne said...

There's a brain there that's fer shure. Bless her heart, she's gorgeous too.
Coppy, the Muriels were your first Commentors and your 3rd birthday is only days away.
Rock ON.

JahTeh said...

Helen, I remember that tallness thing. No. one son calling for a towell and me noticing he was six inches taller than the shower door.

Annie O, you mean I've been mouthing off for three years! Nice to see you back out of the wilderness of non-internet connection.

Ann ODyne said...

why thank you dear.

it is very strange trying to get back into the swing of it all.

If Writers have a 'block', do Bloggers have a 'Writ' ?

Middle Child said...

What a face - she is just so lovely - what a happy smile