Tuesday, January 16, 2007


"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older." Tom Stoppard.

Well the two children and one grandchild of a certain old lady stopped carrying their childhood today. We have paid for our day out on Sunday. When we weren't around she started on the Brick Outhouse and for the first time in his life, with his Grandmother, he stood his ground and gave as good as he got.

In one of those peculiar coincidences, we all gave it back today. From now on we look after her welfare but we're not taking insults or manipulation. The children have grown up.

Speaking of children, one of the loveliest sights of Sunday were the Dads carrying their offspring.
From babies to toddlers, they never left them and it wasn't just babysitting duty, these fathers, mostly older, were really enjoying the company of the little ones.

We might be conditioned by biology to reproduce when we're young but there's a lot to be said for mature age parents.


  1. One of the most extraordinary things, JahTeh. . . the clever but annoying purple spider to the right--the spider whose movements are constantly distracting and whose job never seems to be done--appeared on my monitor for the very first time to have a fully-completed web and a static disposition. I don't think it was a coincidence that it happened on this particular post of yours.

  2. Sunday father access day?

  3. No-one's been feeding him. Andrew has a neat spider that jumps up and down but it's on his mobile phone. It's a shame I can't write code or I would have half a dozen flies on the web and watch eriene go nuts.

    All fathers with the mothers, Andrew. It was such a contrast to what I remembered as a young mother. My ex hardly knew which end of the kid was up.
