Sunday, January 14, 2007

TODAY I.....

Found out that I still hate cheap gin but love Bombay Sapphire over a twist of lemon and loads of ice.

Found out I love the silence of gum trees.

Found out that one day of gin and silence isn't enough.


  1. A good gin with cushed lime and lime juice and tonnes of ice, with, this is the key, a dash of water to open it up fully, is the bees knees...

  2. Link said . . .

    Its the simple things.

  3. upend the BS bottle into the IV and just relax

  4. Cruel, armagnac, cruel. I can taste the lime, feel the ice, crash out on the gin.

    The IV's no good, it's gotta taste on the tongue, Bwca.

    Speaking of simple things, Link, have you poisoned the yobbo yet?
