Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The Elephant in the room.

Not exactly in the room but trailing through the front door through the lounge and out the back door.
No I haven't said a word or asked about the Sunday trek.
But she's bringing a curry for his tea tonight.

Two more weeks and he'll be able to drive his car, to her place.

Hold the tongue for two more weeks. It's what she's waiting for, me to lash out, then it's sob time and the nasty woman yelled at me and I hadn't done anything. I know because she's done this to me before and caused a rift in the family that took months to heal.

Just two more weeks, unless there's brick handy tonight.


  1. sprinkle black pepper on all her stuff - in her coat pockets is particularly evil ...

  2. Can't I just shove it up her nose?
    Sneezing lets the Devil take you according to old wives' tales.

  3. I have two bricks in my backyard; they're just sitting there doing nothing. Want me to post them to you? So you'll always have a brick handy....

    2 weeks....2 weeks...can't go soon enough.

  4. Ah yes, YOU snap and she can say, "But I never MEANT to do anything to hurt or annoy you, sob"

    Just like primary school. Sapphire's 'friend' excludes her from parties ("Mum said I can only have two friends over for Halloween. Yeah, sorry I know I had three last year), ignores her and deliberately belittles everything she says ("Oh I don't think that's true") and I've seen my child look more puzzled and hurt and lonely as the months roll by.

    So, today I picked up the 'two bricks' mentioned by River and rang the principal. Had a pretty good chat and arranged that Sapphire won't be in the same class as Ex-friend next year.

    I *know* you can't do that, but Sapphire is already counting down the weeks until the end of term/end of seeing ex-friend at school which is currently seven. For you, it's two. Fourteen sleeps.....
