Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Melbourne Cup Day



  1. She looks a damn site better than he does. I just wish she would not speak.

  2. one may take the showgirl out of Vegas ... way, way, out of Vegas, but never take Vegas out of the showgirl.
    and speaking of Dimbos,
    Jnifr Hawkins wasn't as intelligent as most of the horses. stupefyingly stupid and un prepared for earning her Myer money.

  3. maybe she should have loaned him some of her fake tan!

  4. Urgh, they are the bogan trailer trash we should never have let off the leash *shudder*.

  5. his dyed hair is tragic.
    he has, by the way, degrees in Law and Medicine.

    I don't understand why people who are loaded look trashy when for the same expense they could look totally elegant and be photographed for that instead of freakshow value.
    Did I mention that Myers were PAYING Jenfr Hawkins to promote them and when asked which famous people were in the Myer Marquee she said " ... umm ... "

  6. He reminds me of the product that was part of Australia You're Standing In It.

    Chunky custard.

    ... or is he the yellow peril the prescient Menzies warned us of?

  7. Andrew, she has a kind of sweet voice, just no brain behind it.

    Annie O, The fluffy ear hat, just insane and I wish she'd comb her hair.

    Fen, the brass would rub off, gnomes are naturally pale.

    Jayne, we must have laughter in our lives and reminders of how one can cross the line. A bit like the three girls lined up for a photo shoot on the lawn and one fell on her large behind. Yes, I laughed.

    Annie O, I watched the fashion panel on Saturday and all of those women, even Fifi Box, looked elegant and spoke well. Hawkins was definitely having a very off day.

    MiLord, Yellow Peril suits him so well.

  8. I think Sedgwick meant CUSTARD.

    I thought of Tweety Pie and I don't meant cute. TP was a bastard to poor Sylvester.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't even know who those two are. He looks like something helped out of his coffin for a final airing.

  11. Thank Cocoa we got the hell out of Flemington for the day and dagged it up in a virtually empty St Kilda - walked along the beach, lunched in the poor person's bit (ie lower level) of the Stokehouse, and enjoyed no queues at Luna Park.

    Not an orange air head or walking cadaver in sight!

  12. Okay, Lord Sedgwick wins by his nose hair but only because Lord Hughes is still buried in a dig somewhere and doesn't love me anymoe.

    Robbert, bogans are people with money but don't know to buy good taste. Your bogans are the native species with no aspirations to good taste.

    River, I got confused there, I thought you meant Lord Sedgwick but you are right about the gnome who looks as though he's just come from a 'Weekend at Bernie's'.

    Good for you Kath but it just proves that your heart is still in Adders. It's unpatriotic to not be in Flemington on Cup Day. I believe you could be deported for such behaviour.
