Monday, May 26, 2008


What Flower Are You?

You are a Sunflower. You are spirited and vivacious. Willing to do anything to help others be happy, and ask nothing in return. You always see the bright side of any situation and are the life of the party. It is impossible to feel down when you are around.

Find Your Character @


BwcaBrownie said...

who would have thought that those
'Find Your Character' people
KNEW what they were talking about.
That is SO true.

shine on!

Brian Hughes said...

I think I'm going to barf. All that goodness in one single person...and it's so difficult to spot on the surface.

The Editor said...

I could get a similar result - if I told a pack of self-deluded lies in the quiz...

R.H. said...

That description is exactly how I see you.
Not one word wrong.

Ann ODyne said...

Dear Coppy - be mindful that all those comments come not from unmedicated respondents ...

and yet they are still true.

JahTeh said...

Now the trick with these quizzes (?) is to pick what you want to be first and then answer the questions. Sunflower is so sweet, I thought I'd end up as elephant grass.

Really Fleetwood,if they can spot a rock on the moon you can spot my evershining glow of goodness on the vast acreage available.

The Bear would be a thistle, something that spreads like wildfire and annoys the crap out of everyone.

Rh, I'm afraid that you would be compost...if feminist bloggers had their way.

Annie, you and I always see the gin bottle half full.

River said...

How is it possible to pick what you want to be first? Don't you have to answer the questions to get to the definition page? Think I'll go and find out what flower I am. Hope I'm not a dahlia.

River said...

bugger, the link doesn't work....

JahTeh said...

River, try the unicorn link, it's the same. I think of what I'd like to be and then see if it's the same answer from the quiz. I really wanted to be a pink rose with perfume.