This is the severely wounded airbus and its list of injuries was compared by one newspaper to the famous "Memphis Belle" bomber of WW11.
I have a neighbour who flies regularly as does her husband. A trip to England for her is a weekend jaunt to Southland for me. She flew from America on the first airbus for the Qantas fleet and it's the first time she admitted she was scared.
She said there's always a certain amount of buffeting in any plane, backward, forward depending on conditions in the air. But this was the first time she'd experienced a shuddering movement from side to side caused by the plane itself not atmospheric conditions. It was nearly continuous and she was glad to land in Australia.
I haven't seen her yet but I'd love her take on this near disaster.
Buy her a parachute for Xmas, she'll love you for it!
Jayne has a good idea.
It is a bit worrying about those Rolls Royce engines being defective. I'm wondering were they "lemons"? or just poorly maintained?
Rolls-Royce is no longer British owned.
The Spitfire with its Rolls Royce engine blew the Luftwaffe out of the sky. (The Messershmitt's fuel injected Daimler-Benz cut out during a dive.) And I say what a Great Stupidity: Teutons and Anglos destroying each other. They are the same people, superior in art, science, everything; combined they'd have ruled everything, everywhere.
Schubert this morning because you can't spell it, and OH how it followed me around Laverton trash market. In the rain. Arab stallholder grabbing my arm saying please buy something, Cadbury Favourites 600 gram for $5, and only six weeks past use by! I got four. Well that should do us as we fly into Los Angeles, Wagner playing to scare the peasants.
Jayne, that's like tempting fate and you can't get out of those big planes.
River, probably not so much the engines as the maintainence which they won't talk about.
Miss O'Dyne, Russians or Chinese own it now?
Rh, Hitler thought the same thing which is why he didn't want to fight England. He wanted Edward VIII and skinny Wallis on the throne as allies.
I watched a doco on the Mosquito aircraft, fast as and didn't have a metal skin. Hitler's designer spend a fortune on the Tiger tank but Russia's gerry built and fast off the assembly line tanks out gunned them. Fascinating programme, ABC1 about design in war. I'm sure they'll repeat it.
Biographical subject bought a jumper because he felt chilly. What a toff. But then he put it on and I was shocked at how well it suited him.
Good heavens.
Get off my blog.
It was the cold beat the Wehrmacht, not the tanks, and Eddie wouldn't have got back on the throne without an invasion, wake up to yourself.
Bugger the ABC!!!!
Hitler valued soldiers lives in dollars, Stalin valued them in cents.
That's the difference.
Same with Mao.
You've just earned a seat at LP, right beside Grasshopper Bahnisch. Golly, there's a locust for you! He'd eat his own head.
Okay? Now leave me alone.
Robbert, the country with the most human gun fodder always wins.
Now you're going to make me to to LP to see why I should take up a seat next to B.
Schubert's unfinished symphony but Wagner would scare the peasants especially with me singing the Valkerie song, on a horse, with armour, not much clothing and a spear. Bravura performance, you'd never top that.
My dad once told me he flew a Messerschmitt and got shot down.
River, now there's a blog post in the making. I knew a friend of my father who was a tailgunner in a bomber and their life expentancy was about two missions over Europe but he survived.
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