Thursday, August 18, 2011

I don't want to look at this post

Obese model Susanne Eman is saying 'Supersize Me' for real - in her bid to become the fattest woman ever.

The 52-stone bombshell aims to reach a whopping 115 stone, or 1,600lbs, by guzzling at least 20,000 calories a day.

I'd love to find out if it's humanly possible to reach a ton,’ she said. ‘A previous record holder was 1,600lbs (115 stone) , so I have to be at least that.

‘My next goal is to be 57 stone (800lbs) by the end of the year.

‘At my current rate of growth, I should be 115 stone by age 41 or 42.’

Susanne visits the supermarket once a month with sons Gabriel, 16, and Brendin, 12, and spends up to eight hours filling six trollies.

‘It's like a full day's work,’ said Susanne, who uses a motorised scooter, but astonishingly believes she can stay healthy.

And this is what she eats daily:

Breakfast: 6 x eggs scrambled, cooked in butter 468 cals. 1/2 pound bacon 1,168 cals, 4 x potatoes as hash browns 672 cals, 6 x pieces toast with butter 600 cals, 32 ounce cream shake 1,160 cals. Snacking 1 x bag of animal cookies 1,950 cals, 2litre bottle of soft drink 800 cals, 1 x 10.5 ounce bag of barbecue flavour crisps 1,650 cals, 3 x ham and cheese sandwiches 1,576 cals.

Lunch: 3 x beef, bean and green chilli burritos with 1 x cup of sour cream 1,453 cals. Salad (1 head lettuce, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 cup carrots, 1 cucumber, 1/2 cup ranch dressing, bacon bits, 1 cup crumbled cheese, 1 cup chicken 1,479 cals.

Dinner: 12 x filled tacos + 1 x cup sour cream 4,906 cals, 2litre bottle of soda 800 cals, Dessert 8 x scoops vanilla ice cream 2,080 cals, 1 x small pan of brownies 1,200 cals.

Total: 21,962 calories

You can't believe how much this infuriates me. People reading this are going to go on a fat bashing crusade against people like me who do struggle with weight and with all my laughs about just one more cake, I do watch what I put in my gob and there's no way I could eat all that food in one day. She also said in the article that she exercises, that is, she goes for a waddle every day. Oh cheers for the fat lady, she can't even walk around the supermarket to buy the food for the obscene diet.

She actually believes that being this fat has made her feel sexier.

I'd say being this fat has addled her brain but I don't think she has one. And I'm allowed to post this because I'm fat so it's not fat bashing, it's ranting against an irresponsible mother who has made arrangements for her kids to be looked after in case something happens to her. I'm so mad all I can say is, selfish bitch. She has two lovely boys and can only think of herself.


Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for the kids. I'll be surprised if she lives to see them to adulthood.

JahTeh said...

Andrew, at least the boys don't look as though they're taking on her size.

Link, she has no job because of her weight so the pommy tax payer is carrying her. That's slightly 'glass house rock' since I'm on a disability pension but not because of weight.
Who in their right mind would want to be the first person to weigh a ton?

R.H. said...

The lunch seems healthy.

Elephant's Child said...

Aaaargh. All of a sudden I feel positively svelte. Which is simply not true. That is a sad, sad individual. And I pity her children. So much.

Brian Hughes said...

Well, everybody's got to have a hobby.

River said...

I'd just served myself 3 small scoops of icecream, (from a spoon not a scoop) when I sat down to read this. That's an astonishing amount of food in one day! On purpose!! Being the heaviest woman ever is certainly not something I'd be proud of. I'm kind of lost for words here. What do her boys think of this I wonder? Do they worry about her or themselves? What do they eat? Are they happy to see her stuffing herself with more tacos in one meal then most people woud eat in a month? I have to stop now. I'm so angry with her. Probably irrational of me, but I am angry. With her.

antikva said...

She's dying to be famous :( Poor kids.

Kath Lockett said...

"‘At my current rate of growth, I should be 115 stone by age 41 or 42."

No darlin' you'll be dead.

Kelly & Sam Pilgrim-Byrne said...

Well said, JT.

JahTeh said...

It could be healthy RH, if it was cut by 90%.

EC, there's a growing movement in America which celebrates big women but I doubt that I'd be joining.

MiLord Hughes, she's your taxes at work.
Probably in the same league as your porky politicians.

River, I can't imagine getting that much food down my throat in one sitting never mind day after day.

Antikva, unlike the two of us, if she falls down she'll roll.

Kath Lockett, right on the ball. I can't even imagine 115 stone.

Muriels, she has a problem to want to do this, suicide by food. I wonder how she'd go if the welfare decided to stop the money?

Frances said...

A prime example of how sick our society really is.

Middle Child said...

Agree so much - she has no love for these children - who will be motherless in short time no doubt and then what? Is this reverse of anorexia?

JahTeh said...

Frances, I think there is a short circuit in there somewhere.

Therese, Anorexia is a disease and I don't think there's a name for what this woman has except idiot.

Middle Child said...

Sorry, I wasn't making light of of mine survived this about 10 years ago and when she told me I could not have been more concerned than if she told me she was doing heroin - had a bout with it in my mid teens but was able to pull out after collapsing on the school bus one day...The fat lady may be an idiot but maybe I just cannot comprehend why anyone would choose me beat

JahTeh said...

Therese, I know you weren't, I know the Middlechild history. This was in the Age this morning or one of the papers and I don't think she'd like her 15 minutes of fame. The comments were not kind about her body and her mind.

Mitzi G Burger said...

The freak show tradition never dies!