I'm sure I did say that once everything was over at my place, I could go through it at my leisure.
Decide what to keep, what to throw out, what to go to the op-shop.
Well, it's all here.
I didn't know whether the BrickOutHouse would bring it today just because he said he would.
He did and he picked me up at the home, a ride instead of bus, lovely.
He carried in a tv corner cabinet which I can barely move. It now has the tv on top and the dvd player on top of that as he was too tired to fiddle with the wires.
After looking at the rest of the stuff, I was too tired too.
After the Salvo's have been and I expect them to reject the lounge suite, the leather is too bad to fix on the chairs, then my sister gets her heart's desire and I'll hire a skip for the rubbish.
Why does everything look so much bigger in my house than it did at mother's?
Still I have a nice new half rug to go under my chair but that comes under the heading of hard work. Move the side table, take the chair off the bricks, remove old rug, look for cockroach that fell out of the mail last week, vacuum and put new rug down, also put everything back except cockroach.
Too tired for that today.
Mother has a very sore throat so rings me last night for a packet of butter menthols.
So I decide to catch the bus and walk through Coles.
It pours rain, still pouring at bus stop, still pouring as I decide to walk to the pharmacy for shelter and butter menthols. Oh goodie, Darryl Lea candies are half price, that's worth getting soaked for.
While I'm waiting for the bus, the sun comes out and is so hot it dries my soaking dress and scarf.
Mother still has a sore throat so it looks like she's getting a cold but she hopes not as her social life next week is very busy. They're going out for shopping and lunch, then Aunt Patty's coming down so they can bitch about Aunt Selma and then there's two days of bingo. I should have taken her a kilo bag of butter menthols instead of just a packet.
And just to finish off, please let there be a special place in Hell for whoever invented those monstrous magnetic photo albums. I've managed to get the photos out of one but the others are older and harder to shift. Still it has been fun tearing up the relos I've never liked not to mention the ex. I gave my sister the proofs from her wedding to tear up but by the look on her face she was going home to burn his eyes out with a cigarette.
I think I'll have some alone time tomorrow. I have candies and a book.
Shut up, Robbert, I'll get to the Post Office by the end of the week before my breakdown.