Some people leave footprints on our heart. Cats leave fur on our sweaters. Dogs leave drool on our shoes. Families will crap on our doorstep. So when life gives you crap, garden it and make roses.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Well there goes the blood pressure
A temperature of 38.9 and climbing.
Severe neck and shoulder pain.
It's a good thing she was lying on a pale green frilly pillowcase or I wouldn't have been able to tell her face from a white one except for the dark circles around her eyes and mouth.
This virus or whatever hit very suddenly at midday and galloped away all afternoon.
I called my sister who left her shift at the hospital.
While ma was lucid we made sure of what she wanted, to to to hospital if necessary or stay where she was. A very forceful 'I'm staying here' was all we needed to put on record.
Sister left, I stayed for the locum to arrive. She seemed a lot better with the pain control, panadol for the temp and maxalon for the sickness. She still drifted in and out of lucidity.
Our family is so inappropriate with laughter in any serious situation but laughing when she has a mouthfull of mohair rug thinking it was her tea is just our way. Besides which she offered to share it with me.
Locum arrived, temp was down to 37.6, lungs were clear, pain had subsided to manageble levels and she was drinking, input but no output since I'd been there. Tests are being done tomorrow and when I left she was being made comfortable for the night and I'm still up at 11.46 with my eyeballs hanging out.
I'll be back tomorrow to see what her own doctor has to say. If it is an infection from the chopped toe, thank you professional nitwit podiatrist, then I'll be saying a few words. So much for the sensible diet, no stress etc, etc. I came home, ate everything in the fridge and found a packet of Jaffa biscuits that went down a treat. I'm going to bed and I have a stomach full of acid through not being sensible, that'll learn me.
Monday, April 25, 2011
More anxiety and I so need more anxiety

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Diet not going so well.
Nature's school room.
The US Transportable Array is a fleet of 400 high-end seismographs dotted around North America and the measurements of the Japanese earthquake recorded by these instruments has given scientists something to re-think about mega quakes. The magnitude-9 megathrust has been the subject of intense analysis especially from the Japanese who have an incredibly dense network of GPS and seismic coverage.
A subduction earthquake where one tectonic plate pushes underneath another rips in one or two directions along a fault line but this quake came in bursts of energy rips shown in the chart below.

Hiroo Kanamori of CalTec analysed the rupture zone which he said was split into two areas. One was a rupture zone along the Pacific Ocean's Japan Trench which he believes was responsible for the Tsunami and another rupture along the fault line, deeper and closer to the coast, caused most of the shaking.
The estimates of how far the tectonic plates slid past one another is almost 60 metres and if correct, is a massive shift unprecedented in the recorded history of earthquakes. What is more surprising is that the slip happened on a fault in the ocean crust that is about 140 million years old and megathrusts quakes are more usual on young, hot, swiftly subducting plates.
Now scientists are realising that previous models of which type earthquakes would hit where are no longer set in lava (joke, laugh please). A magnitude 9 is just waiting to happen anywhere on a subduction zone.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Skinny is the new bitching
Don't weigh in on obese people, study says
April 22, 2011
Obese people are more likely to avoid the exercise they need to fight the battle if their loved ones tease and criticism them, a new study shows.
The study, published this month in the journal Obesity, surveyed 111 obese adult men and women about weight discrimination and how it influenced their motivation to exercise.
"This idea that we can use a tough love approach, it just doesn't seem to work," Dr Lenny Vartanian, a researcher from the University of NSW and lead author of the study said.
"In fact it appears to backfire, making people less likely to exercise."
Dr Lenny Vartanian, who studies the psychology of body image and weight discrimination, said one reason for this could be the embarrassment felt by overweight people when others "stare, laugh or make negative comments".
"When we exercise this mostly takes place in public, like in a gym," he said.
"So if someone gets negative comments it makes people want to avoid being in those public situations."
Almost half of those surveyed reported experiencing some form of weight stigma at least once a week, whether it be hearing negative comments or missing out on a job because of their weight.
Respondents said the most hurtful comments came from spouses, family members and doctors.
Dr Vartanian said public policy should also focus on lessening discrimination against fat people.
"We have certain policies in place to guard against all those groups who have been historically marginalised, whether due to race or religion," he added.
"Fat stigma is really the last remaining acceptable form of discrimination."
Read more:
Fat stigma exists because it is related to unhealthy behaviours - what's next? Don't pick on people who smoke? Don't criticise violent people? Fat stigma is not discrimination. Obesity is an epidemic which costs us millions of dollars... What about all of us who AREN'T fat because we make healthy choices... People just need to wake up to themselves and learn some restraint and it doesn't help having 'professionals' defend their poor behaviour...
OverExcuses - April 22, 2011, 9:40AM
And that comment by OverExcuses is why I'd like to punch smarmy thin people in the mouth.
I'm dealing with a doctor who wants me to have lapband surgery so he can wipe his hands of any problems I have. Apparently it'll fix everything. I do make healthy choices, don't smoke, don't drink. I don't go to a gym, there are no pensioner rates at the gym. Fine, walking is free if you don't fall over broken footpaths, get chewed by dogs or run down by creeps on skateboards. Or the arthritis is hurting in both feet because of the cold weather or the tin knees are still recovering from the last fall or you know you're going to fall heavily on the first skinny bitch that wanders in front of you just to hear her matchstick legs break. It's a wonder Abbott hasn't thought of a way to tax us on poundage, $2 off the pension for every bit of blubber that wobbles.
Damn, shouldn't have said that, he soaks up other people's ideas like bread soaks up gravy, not that I'm allowed to eat bread or gravy.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Earthquakes again

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Bossy bitches and other women who annoy me.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Majorly pissed with people
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dare I risk another Kaboom

Saturday, April 09, 2011
Get a move on Blogger!
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Wednesday, April 06, 2011Labels:
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011Labels:
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