Another great website with blog and photos belongs to photographer Peter Cairns.
I came across one of his photos of a red squirrel in New Scientist and I was trying to find it to post for your delight and it is delightful but you'll have to click to get the best view. The Red squirrel below belongs to another photographer who's name escaped me. 
There's always some idiot that thinks it's a good idea to import an animal, in this case, the American gray squirrel which has only taken a 100 years or so to nearly see off the native English red squirrel. The poor little reds only survive in Scotland and in a few protected areas in England. And the grey yankie rodents also carry the squirrel pox virus which they are immune to but the pretty reds are not.
This is the place to spend an hour or two. Go to images and open the box for 2020Vision which is a nature photography project that aims to highlight the state of ecosystems all animals need for survival. Then wander around all the fabulous places Peter Cairns has photographed. My stars said I need to meditate in nature to regain some balance and here I can do it all from a comfy chair. I'm not that fond of snow so my thanks to a great photographer who did all the freezing for me.