Unbelievable Monday.
I rang to make the appointment at the main Cemetary and they have no record of me owning the family grave.
Apparently there was a new mob take over and papers have gone missing.
Fortunately or unfortunately I only have my handwritten letters (no computer then) for the relo's to copy out and no Stat Dec anywhere. That was in July 2000 when I found out ownership could be transferred to another member of the family.
I can't bury mother until it's sorted.
I can't close the bank accounts because Centrelink hasn't confirmed the last payment is legal.
The Death Certificate hasn't arrrived.
I have a nervous twitch in one eye that just won't stop.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and panicked because there was no time in the morning, idiot me, I don't have to have one in the morning to rush down to the Home for the afternoon.
I have an appointment on Thursday for the Cemetary to sort out the missing paperwork and thanks to my hoarding I still have the receipts for the grave and the plaques from 1996.
I'm really going to have to start drinking.