Friday, October 10, 2008


The bill to de-criminalise abortion has now been passed in the Upper House.

John Brumby, who supported the legislation when it was passed in the lower house, spoke to reporters after the vote was passed 23-17 in the Legislative Council this morning.

"We'll now have in place in Victoria legislation that will take abortion out of the criminal code,'' Mr Brumby said.
"So I am pleased to see the result. It was a strong vote in the lower house, it's a comfortable majority in the upper house.''

Amendments to the bill are now being debated, before a third and final vote is held.


River said...

Well it's about time.

Middle Child said...

As long as the clinics doing the abortions are doing the right thing re the advice etc

my youngest almost died because a clinic = melbourne based left material in her which became septic... they denied this,... and she also was infected by hospital bugs which almost killed her,,,

Abortion is not cut and dried... but should be available to all women by right