And how do I know this? Because the Toy Sale Catalogues are out already. I saw this DeathStar and the boys would have loved it. I thought it was reasonable at $59.90 until I wiped my glasses and looked closer, $599.00 but a bargain since after the sale it will be $749.00. Recession, what recession?
They would have had it out of the box and assembled in two shakes but I have yet to put together a lego anything. I fail lego.
I did find a lovely present for Mother. What Mother wouldn't love a furry remote control tarantula at only $20.00, $26.99 after the sale. Ages 8 years and up. There is that little problem of her arachnaphobia though.
Your care towards you mother knows no bounds Jahteh.
I'm all heart CameraFace and I would care for you in the same way.
You've never put together any Lego??? Get cracking girl! You're missing so much fun. All those tiny little pieces, like a 3D jigsaw.
Love the DeathStar.
Tap your inner child with some Lego and you'll have a ball! ;)
Wouldn't buying your mother the furry 8 legged freak help her overcome her fear, thereby you'd be assisting in her therapy....
River, with all the lego we've had in this house, I've never been able to put together anything that resembled even a car. After Star Wars the boys would sit and suddenly there'd be space fighters, troop carriers, you name it.
Jayne, Jayne, I'm the one needing the therapy which I'll get today, I'm going shopping. The time is now 6.15 am and I haven't slept at all so if you hear of a comatose fat lady being carted away from Southland, you know who it is.
Why they don't have more furry tarantulas on Mother's day catalogues shocks me.
I'm in quest of a tarantula toy. I'm very much in favour of furry toys. I like dogs and bears, sure, but there seems to be way too many of them and not enough of the cockroaches, slugs, moths, bats, octopuses, etc. Variety is needed, we cannot all live on bears and dogs alone!
I really would like a nice plush owl if I could find a good model with a great personality.
Maria, I don't know about plush owls but I do have a collection of tiny pottery ones. I was in K-Mart and I couldn't find that spider or I would have bought it for my nephew. This genius used to make remote controlled cockroaches and I still don't know how he made their eyes glow red.
Ooohhhh, I daren't let Bumblebee see this. He fell in love with Han Solo's ship last Christmas, which was something ridiculous like $300 in Kmart, and he almost had the money, but we talked him out of it because we just didn't have the SPACE. When we said he could have it if he said goodbye to the tv, he came to his senses :)
Hi. My name is Robert. I'm ordering you a Leggo boston bun, the challenge is to put it together before eating some of the pieces.
Magdalen College. Oxford.
I love the Death Star. I think my nephew would love it too. What a shame he hasn't a rich aunt.
Jahteh, I never know how some geniuses make some eyes glow red. Camera makers can do it in your photo too. Amazing. stuff!
If its price has 3 digits before the point, then it ain't a toy.
(please visit my blog of pretty things sometime and see what I wish for)
No real tarantulas in K=mart, then?
Hoy!- you big funny outrageous woman!- get up and get down!
Phil, a real tarantula wouldn't stand a chance with my mother. How could you be so cruel to innocent arachnids?
Yummy, new things on 'Wornout' and about time you updated.
Nails, the trick is that you have to buy the troops separately, then the space ships and what would a Death Star be without the Millenium Falcon. So not just rich auntie but fabulously wealthy aunite.
Robbert is joking. Why bother is it's all going to the same place?
Duckie, such a snip at $599! The 'old toy or tv' ploy never wears out, I used that way back when.
At K-Mart they had a big plush dinosaur that pretended to eat a leaf and the littlies loved it but the price, heart attack time.
Maria, the only times I've taken a really great photo and that's not ofen, the eyes are always red. Does it happen with digital, not that I'd be any better with digital?
Jesue what kid gets a $599 pressie? Or am I out of touch...your mum will love her pressie...(!)
Therese, I couldn't believe the price and uselessness of some of the toys. My best present for kids used to be a torch and batteries and no questions asked about what they were going to do with them.
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